Over 20% of U.S. Adults Listen to Podcasts

BY Kathy Crosett
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In case you haven’t heard, podcasts have a growing audience. As the medium's popularity grows your clients can reach these listeners with their advertising messages. But, first, your clients should check out key details about this growing audience. Edison Research and Triton Digital’s new The Infinite Dial Report speaks to what marketers should know about these listeners.

Podcast Audience Size

In the past decade, the size of the podcast audience has nearly doubled. Additionally, about 180 million consumers, 64% of adults, have heard the term ‘podcast.’ In terms of gender, slightly more men (67%) than women (62%) have this awareness of the growing medium. Currently, about 44% of the U.S. population over age 12 have listened to a podcast.

On a monthly basis, 24% of women, or 34 million women, regularly listen to podcasts. Similarly, 27% of men are checking out these recording. Whether they are listening to motivational speakers or great fiction, these consumers could also be hearing your clients’ messages on this emerging medium.

Audience Demographics

Podcast listeners tend to be younger than the average American population. For example, 37% of female these listeners are between the ages of 25 and 44, while only 31% of women as a whole fall into that age range. This trend makes sense. Consumers often listen to podcasts on their smartphones and younger consumers tend to be the heavier users of these mobile devices. These consumers also excel at multitasking, which means they are listening to their favorite programs while they drive, go on a power walk or run on the treadmill.

Your clients should also know that Asian-​Americans, consumers with household income of over $75,000, and consumers with advanced education (more than a 4‑year degree) over-​index when it comes to podcast listening. This group of consumers can be challenging to reach with traditional media messaging, but easily targeting with a program sponsorship.

The on-​demand form of communication that podcast delivers can be a great way for your clients to stand apart from the competition and have their messages reach more consumers. For more information on podcast listeners, check out AudienceSCAN, available from AdMall at SalesFuel.
