Does Your Sales Creativity Need a Boost?

BY Kathy Crosett
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Are you tired of prospecting, presenting, negotiating and closing the same old way? If so, your success rates could be falling. Prospects and clients can tell when you’re not into what you’re selling. To improve your numbers, why not try a little creativity?

Most people don’t think of sales as a creative profession. After all, the best creative minds go to product design, or maybe, marketing…right? Wrong, says Doug Dvorak. In a business​.com post, he lists a few ways to improve your sales strategy by getting creative.

New Meeting Spaces

You may have been taught that you should try to close a deal in the prospect’s office. After all, that’s the place where prospects supposedly feel most relaxed and in control. You could try a different strategy to intrigue prospects.

For example, what if your prospect is keenly interested in the production process of the new circuit boards your company is promoting? Suggest a tour of the factory floor and introduce your prospect to the production manager to change things up. This kind of meeting can build credibility, allow your company to shine and maybe put the prospect in the mood to buy. If your prospect enjoys a unique hobby like gardening, suggest a walking meeting while you tour a local flower farm. As Dvorak notes, your prospect will remember your encounter as being distinctive and that could help you move closer to a close.

New Technology

Prospects like to think they are working with businesses that stay current with the latest technology. Are you stuck in a rut using email and phone calls to lead your prospects down the sales funnel? It’s not always possible to have an in-​person meeting, but you can make a bigger impression by using the latest technology. Video chat is becoming more commonplace. If you haven’t investigated using the tool, now’s the time to start. You should also explore the possibility of using video messages. New prospects may be intrigued by the novelty and be more open to taking the next step with you after viewing a video you leave for them.

If it’s been a while since you updated your sales materials or your strategy, it's time to get creative. Think about a few changes you’d like to make and implement them to restart your engine for the second half of the year.
