3 Characteristics of a High-​Performance Sales Culture

BY Tim Londergan
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A high-​performance sales culture is common among companies that retain employees, continuously meet sales quotas and have fun along the way. Understanding how to develop a “sales culture" takes imagination and some discipline. The concept includes the attitudes, principles and behaviors shared among the members of your sales department. “A good sales culture means do what you feel is right every time, without worrying about anything else” writes Start it up’s Anthony Chaine. Imagine your team having the confidence and freedom to act in a way that places customers first and motivates them to do the next right thing. This is the openness that comes from a high-​performance sales culture.

A healthy corporate culture

Empowering employees to make decisions as they see fit has tremendous long-​term benefits for customers, shareholders and organizations. A passionate salesperson radiates confidence and is perceived as credible and trustworthy. This independence is only possible with planning, training and constant improvement toward the goal of a healthy corporate culture. In the article, “9 Ways to Build a Positive Sales Culture”, Megan Totka defines a sales culture and discusses the characteristics of successful sales teams. Read on for just three of her nine points. Remember there is a comprehensive formula to developing a high-​performance sales culture. Short cuts are not recommended.

Hire salespeople thoughtfully

Today’s job market is unique. Finding qualified candidates is challenging but there is no more worthwhile endeavor. Totka suggests creating an “anatomy of the perfect salesperson” to identify the right person for your product and target customer. The goal is to have a department with smart, creative people who are in healthy competition and experience high customer retention.

Establish effective training programs

High-​performance sales cultures have systems that help their salespeople learn and achieve their goals. Collaboration and knowledge-​sharing are an important part of building team morale and respect among peers. This all comes with the added benefit of the opportunity to celebrate individual and team wins as often as possible.

Introduce continuous learning

When people feel valued and respected, their productivity and imagination skyrockets. One of the most important investments is in your people. Totka says, “Sales managers should foster an environment that promotes learning, continuous training and sales coaching for reps.” Actively helping your team members shape their career paths will reap rewards for you and your company.

Maintaining a high-​performance sales culture requires connection to the corporate strategic culture at large. If the aggregate results of multiple business units’ goals are not consistent the consequences can be damaging. Measuring results of production and revenue is simple. It’s much harder to determine a salesperson’s belief in the company or its mission. Working within a high-​performance sales culture yields an appraisal of how the organization is functioning as well as motivating employees to do the next right thing. Companies with a robust sales culture keep employees and customers longer. They find it easier to attract better talent. And they are more profitable.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash
