3 Simple, Attention-​Retaining Elevator Pitch Tips

BY Rachel Cagle
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You’ve done it. You’ve made contact with that prospective client you’ve been hopeful about for ages. One of the potentially most dangerous questions you’ll be asked will probably come first. “Who are you and what do you do?” This is your first make-​or-​break moment. Here are a few tips to giving the most effective response possible, according to HubSpot writer Jeff Hoffman.

Focus on One Answer

If you overload your prospect with information, they will zone out. And when they zone out, you’ve lost their business. To keep that from happening, Hoffman says to pick one topic to talk about and stick to it. “The purpose of the elevator pitch is to inspire curiosity and extend the call,” says Hoffman, “Like a good movie trailer.” There has to be a big reason you chose to call this business. Is there a problem they need to have solved or a particular product or service you feel would be perfect for them? Talk about that.

Ask Questions

The best way to maintain a prospect’s interest is to keep them involved in the conversation. So, work questions into your pitch. Ask about details of the company that are relevant to the sale that you could find online. Ask for their input on the problem you feel you can solve for them. Questions keep prospects’ attention from wandering and the prospect’s answers give you invaluable insight that can aid your pitch.

Avoid Jargon

It doesn’t matter if you believe using industry or sales jargon will make you seem more qualified to handle the prospect’s needs. Jargon, by definition, means that those who aren’t versed in what you’re saying won’t understand what you actually mean. Your pitch should be easily digestible by the prospect. What happens if you start using words or phrases they don’t understand? They’ll either be annoyed, confused, or begin to beat themselves up for not knowing what you’re saying when they feel they should. Regardless, all are negative feelings. And negativity has no place in a sales pitch. Keep it simple!
