Are Your Clients Sending the Right COVID-​19-​Related Email?

BY Kathy Crosett
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Is your inbox overflowing with COVID-​19-​related email messages? Consumers have heard plenty from retailers and other service providers in the past few weeks. In fact, they are likely to delete these messages, or develop a negative opinion about the company sending them, unless the content can be truly helpful.

Helpful Information

Campaign Monitor recently shared tips to help marketers make the most of their email campaigns during the COVID-​19 crisis. Using these tips, you can advise your clients on how to craft a valuable message. Remind your clients to avoid any ‘empty’ we-​are-​here-​for-​you messages. Their email must contain something specific and helpful. For example, if they operate a health care-​related business, they may want to email clients about changed hours of operation. Or, they may want to advertise that they’ll waive late fees on payments that are due.


Consumers are weary of reading long blocks of text about rules they should be following to stay safe during these uncertain times. And some consumers have been struggling to help their kids with homework as they’ve morphed into homeschoolers. They don’t want to be confronted with dense passages of text in a COVID-​19-​related email message. 

Remind your clients to design email messages in easy-​to-​read formats. Using bullet points, lists and font enhancements like bold will draw consumers’ eyes to the key data points in the message.

Proper Messaging for COVID-​19-​Related Email

If your clients have planned their email campaigns for the upcoming year, talk with them about revisions. This is not the time to go on autopilot with email promotions. Consumers who get emails that were obviously designed several months ago will take offense at messages encouraging them to dine out now. They’ll suspect the brand is out of touch with reality, and they might consider ceasing to do business with a company that doesn’t seem to be in step with what’s happening across our country.

To learn more about the kinds of email messages that consumers respond to, check out the profiles available on AudienceSCAN at AdMall by SalesFuel.
