Cold-​Call Tips to Build Rapport in 2018

BY Jessica Helinski
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Looking for ways to make your cold calls a little more productive next year? Even if you’re a seasoned sales vet, a recent article on Business​.com might have some tips that even you haven’t tried. In the article, Deborah Sweeney, the CEO of MyCorporation​.com, shares five techniques that can help you create an authentic first impression. By making a strong initial connection, you build rapport AND set the pace for a sale.

Sweeney shares one technique titled, “180 seconds.” This call lasts, you guessed it, three minutes and follows a particular formula:

  • Minute 1 — Use this time to introduce yourself and start with a bit of small talk. If you share a common contact, now is the time to mention it.
  • Minutes 2 and 3 — To ensure the call is short and succinct, use the second and third minutes to make the pitch. To not waste time, personalize the pitch to the prospect and his or her business. Be sure to answer “what’s in it for me?”

This cold-​call technique can be successful because it is informative but also to-​the-​point. “Building a rapport doesn’t mean talking a prospect’s ear off about how great you are,” Sweeney explains. “It means understanding that their time is valuable and respecting that they took the time to hear what you have to say. Get to the point and leave a lasting impression.”

Check out her article for more tips to craft authentic, rapport-​building cold calls. While a cold call rarely results in a sale, with Sweeney’s tips, it can establish you as a valuable resource. This, in turn, can greatly boost the chances of a future sale.
