What words would you use to describe your customer service? Does the word “unforgettable” come to mind? If not, you may be missing a major opportunity to strengthen relationships. “One of the most underrated factors for success in customer service is memory,” writes Larry Alton in an article for CustomerThink.com. “Your customers need to not only enjoy their experience, but remember it; otherwise, you’ll miss out on the important benefits that come along with memorability.”
His article discusses the importance of creating an unforgettable customer service experience, noting that being memorable has the following perks:
- Stronger brand sticking power. Similar customer experiences tend to all blur together. But, if you have a standout experience with a brand, you are more likely to remember it — and come back for more.
- Propensity to share. Good or bad, experiences get shared — particularly those that are memorable. If you deliver excellence, word will spread.
- Positive, detailed reviews. If a client has an exceptional experience, he or she is more likely to recall specific details and do so accurately. This bodes well in a time when reviews and testimonials often drive new business.
So, what can you do to make your customer service shine? Alton has four suggestions, one of which is:
Recognition – Customers love being recognized, so it’s vital to be attentive and ready to jump any time their experience could be improved. And, don’t think you always have to do a major recognition, like an award. “Sometimes, simple gestures are all it takes to make a customer feel recognized in your business,” Alton explains. “…simply learning and using someone’s name can make them feel like they’re a bigger part of your establishment.”
Consider how you can incorporate Alton’s suggestions into your customer service strategy. By doing so, you are investing in your memorability, which in turn can do wonders for your business.