Do Your Clients’ Ads Give Consumers What They Want?

BY Kathy Crosett
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Consumers are overwhelmed by the volume of content coming at them. Your clients’ ads make up part of that content. To get people to react and make a purchase, the advertising content must address consumer motivation.

Shopper Motivation

When we think about why consumers shop, we should also think about what motivates them. Often, motivation varies by the type of product or service being purchased. The Future of How People Shop, a new survey from Valassis, reveals how advertising impacts motivation and behavior. For example, most of us, 71%, want to get in and out of the grocery store as quickly as possible. But, nearly 40% of us also say that good advertising could help us break out of our established patterns of behavior. The right kind of ads could tempt us to try a different store or make us aware of a new food product we might want to buy. 

When shopping for skincare products, 73% of prospective buyers are open to learning something new. They want to understand how to take care of their skin, and they’ll take the time necessary to review marketer content. This motivation contrasts strongly with consumers who are hungry. These folks think about where they are going to eat and 43% are swayed by ads featuring “a product or service that satisfies an immediate need or want.” 

How Your Clients’ Ads Sway Consumers

At least 60% of consumers go online to research product before making a purchase. If your clients don’t have eye-​catching ad content available for consumers to review, they’re missing an opportunity.

Part of this content must be socially based. Back in the day, marketers hired sports or entertainment celebrities to hawk their products in advertisements. Now, consumers follow influencers online. And, 25% of consumers say they trust advertising more when it’s recommended by an influencer they follow.

Once consumers begin to buy products from a specific retailer, a new provider may find it challenging to steal away the business. If your clients find themselves in this position, they can address the convenience angle in their messaging. The NRF recently reported on the importance of shopping convenience. The Valassis research confirms that 24% of consumers are on auto-​replenishment programs. They don’t have to remember to order dog food, for example. It gets delivered on schedule. However, 38% of consumers overall are open to learning something new from advertising. If your clients’ ads show how consumers can save money or get a better product, in addition to being on an auto-​replenishment program, they might be willing to change service providers.

When your clients' ads speak to consumers’ wants, especially when they address informational or convenience needs, they’ll sell more product.  To learn which ads drive consumer action, such as purchases, check out the AudienceSCAN profiles available at AdMall from SalesFuel.  
