How to Figure Out What a Prospect Really Wants

BY Rachel Cagle
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Prospects buy from you because they feel you can help them fulfill their needs and solve their problems. In his article, “5 Reasons to Ask Sales Prospects More Questions,” Mark Wayshak points out that realizing this is only the tip of the iceberg. Your prospects’ questions should be your motivation to dig deeper and find out what else they need.

  1. Only by asking can you learn exactly what a prospect needs. You can’t possibly hope to know all of the problems your prospects are facing, even after meticulous second-​hand research. When you ask your prospects about their needs outright, you’ll get the most reliable answers possible and that will be the easiest source of information to work with. Not to mention the quickest; a conversation with your prospects will take far less time than scouring the internet and hoping what you find is still relevant.
  2. After learning precisely what each prospect needs by asking, you’ll know exactly what to talk about during your pitch. You won’t have to waste time monologuing about every aspect of yourself and your product to see what works. Instead, you’ll be able to start a conversation with your prospect about how what you’re selling will help to achieve the specific goal you have discussed. It will save time for both of you and is also an excellent way to retain the prospect’s attention.
  3. Good business relationships start by showing your prospect that you truly care about them and their success. An excellent way to prove that you do is by asking them questions. The answers you get will help you shape your sales pitch to fit specific prospects’ needs. The better you know your prospects, the better your communication will be.
  4. Preparing questions in advance is an easy way to start conversations with prospects. After they become clients, you’ll want to keep the stream of questions coming. Regular question-​and-​answer sessions with your clients increases their loyalty and trust in you.
