How A Standout Email Signature Can Inspire More Engagement

BY Jessica Helinski
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Are you neglecting one of the most impactful parts of your sales emails? You may not realize it, but your email signature presents a lot of opportunities. Most sellers focus on crafting the perfect subject lines and ensuring their email message is effective. But when it comes to the signature, most keep it basic (their name, title and company). This is actually just the minimum, according to Close’s Helga Zabalkanska.

The best email signatures can serve as a digital business card with relevant, interesting information your prospect might need going forward,” she explains. “Or, it just helps you stand out—makes you memorable.”

Make your email signature matter

This little section can make a big impression on your recipients. Like Zabalkanska mentioned, it’s like a digital business card, but it can be so much more. You can use it to build sales credibility and trust, which is particularly important when sending cold emails. Seeing your email signature can give prospects the peace of mind or confidence they need to respond. As she explains, “When you add your role, contact information, and maybe even your LinkedIn profile, it does more than suggest your accessibility. It displays your competence.”

You also can use it to establish your authority and that of your company, as well as drive brand awareness. Using your logo or including a link to a company website can spark recognition from the recipient or take that first step toward establishing awareness. 

And when it comes to links, don’t be afraid to think beyond just the company website. Think of your email signature as a resource for the prospect. Perhaps you could include a link to your blog or a video in which you introduce yourself. As SalesFuel reports, incorporating video into sales emails is effective at boosting interest and engagement. 

Always include the basics…and then some

At the very least, your email signature should include various ways the recipient can contact you. In addition to your phone number, consider adding a couple of your professional social media handles as well. Adding these introduces your social media accounts in a non-​pushy way, as well as offers social proof to those who are new leads and may not be familiar with you. 

Zabalkansa also suggests including a headshot. Why? To give a face to your name and present you as an actual person. “…it can add a personal touch,” she explains. “Putting a face to a name can go a long way in building trust and credibility.”

And don’t forget to include a call to action. While you likely include at least one call to action in your messages, don’t miss the opportunity to add another into your email signature. Ask recipients to visit you on social media or to check your company’s blog. Encourage them to click a video link, or if you’d like to schedule a call or meeting, include a link to your calendar and ask them to take a look at your availability. 

Avoid these mistakes

Along with her tips, Zabalkansa also includes a list of what you should avoid when crafting an email signature:

  • Avoid slow loading large images.
  • Definitely do not add gifs.
  • Don’t include too much content; keep it clear and concise. 
  • Having too much of everything: color, images, text, links, etc. 

And most importantly, she reminds sellers that no matter what they add, make sure that it’s relevant and valuable to the other person. Take time to create various signatures based on who you’re emailing, such as one specifically for follow-​up emails and one for cold emails. Relevancy is key to getting the recipient to engage. 
So take a look at your email signatures and see which elements they have (and which ones need to be added). Don’t let this last chance at impacting the recipient get away. And for more tips on writing sales emails that get responses, check out SalesFuel’s collection of articles.

Photo by Christina Morillo
