Motivation After Rejection: How to Push Forward

BY Jessica Helinski
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Finding motivation after rejection in sales requires effort. Disappointment, frustration, insecurity, and anxiety are just a few of the troubling feelings that follow rejection. And it can be hard to move past those emotions and keep going.

And because rejection is a big part of selling, it’s vital to learn how to stay motivated.

Rejection is an inevitable part of every sales job,” writes Ryan Walsh for LinkedIn.

No matter how good you are at selling, not every prospect will be interested in your product or service.”

It’s up to you to reframe each “no” as an opportunity.

Tips to embrace motivation after rejection

One of the most important ways to stay motivated is to adjust your mindset. A lot has been written about the power of the mind, and for good reason.

No one likes hearing “no.” But it’s important for sellers to expect to hear it. Even the most successful reps lose deals.

… some level of rejection is a normal part of the field,” explains The Brooks Group’s Michelle Richardson.

Knowing that rejections are a common part of selling allows you to hold yourself to a more realistic standard. While this understanding won’t prevent frustration or disappointment, it makes those feelings easier to get past.

It’s also important to not internalize rejection, which requires changing how you view it. Not closing a deal or landing a meeting does not define you.

Top sellers, according to Inc., “understand that rejection is not directed at them personally.”

Instead, it’s likely resulting from many factors, such as timing, business conditions or budget. Keeping this in mind will help you separate yourself from the rejection, making it easier to move on.

If you can’t stop beating yourself up over a loss, make a point to engage in positive self-​talk. This could be writing down a list of accomplishments, revisiting positive feedback from a client or repeating an affirmation. 

Make it a lesson

Turning a loss into a lesson can help drive motivation after rejection. Use it as an opportunity to play detective and uncover possible reasons for the loss. Examine past communications and analyze available data, looking for trends.

And don’t shy away from directly asking the prospect why they turned you down. Posing the ask in a polite, curious manner can lead to great discoveries. 

The insights you gain can shape how you move forward, highlighting areas for improvement or a different approach. Then, adjust accordingly.

Once you’ve identified patterns in your rejection data, you can start adapting your sales tactics,” Walsh adds.

A fresh approach or updated methods can inspire an optimistic outlook and push you forward.

You could even consider using the potential for a future “yes” as motivation. Just because a prospect turned you down, it doesn’t mean that future opportunities don’t exist. This is especially true if you’ve identified issues and adjusted accordingly.

Be consistent with outreach, follow-​ups, social media posts, etc.” SalesFuel suggests.

Basically, don’t throw in the towel when it comes to communications. Have a follow-​up plan for any time that you don’t complete a sale.”

Lean on support

Again, finding motivation after rejection doesn’t mean you don’t experience negative feelings. It’s natural to feel upset, so be sure to reach out to others for support. This could mean meeting up with a mentor or having a one-​on-​one with your manager.

Richardson even suggests swapping rejection stories with teammates or colleagues.

Sharing our losses and disappointments with those who understand makes them easier to bear,” she writes.

You can also work together to identify even more learning opportunities that may have been missed.

With these tips, you can be better prepared to handle rejections that come your way. Learn from them, keep your confidence intact, and keep pushing ahead for the sales that await you ahead.

Image by Steve DiMatteo from Pixabay
