Advertising is a Paid Communication that Informs an Audience about a Product

BY Rachel Cagle
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As much as America would like to pretend it’s over, COVID-​19 is still at large, causing many consumers to practice their shelter-​in-​place habits almost as strictly as they have for the past three months. Too many marketers believe that this is no time to be running an advertising campaign. What they fail to realize is that bored Americans are engaged consumers. And advertising is a paid communication that informs an audience about a product. Your client's product may be just what those bored Americans want to buy. But they will never know about it without the proper messaging!

Advertising is a Paid Communication that Informs an Audience about a Product. Use it!

Some forward-​thinking marketers have taken the initiative during this difficult time and are creating cross-​platform ad content strategies to tastefully reach these large and highly engaged audiences,” says Matt O’Grady, writing for Nielsen. “With clarity into which channels and tactics influence a specific audience, marketers can orchestrate the optimal consumer experience across channels and devices and optimize spend to maximize business results.”

AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel is the perfect tool to help marketers know for certain which forms of advertising resonate most with their target audience. For example, did you know that the advertisements that inspired the most Frequent Drugstore Shoppers to take action last year were TV commercials and ads they either saw on their mobile smartphone apps or received via text? Take the guess estimations out of your presentations and you’ll land more contracts for future advertising campaigns.

O’Grady points out that the companies utilizing cross-​media advertising campaigns are the businesses yielding the best results. Americans, in their boredom, are consuming more advertising than ever. They’re taking the time to read the direct mail ads in their mailboxes and email ads that come their way. They’re paying attention to TV commercials and agreeing that the advertised product would be a good way to entertain themselves for a while or that they do deserve to treat themselves in these trying times. “The advertising industry right now is feeling a thorn in its side,” says O’Grady, “but increasing time spent online and watching TV provides a great avenue to show the value of effective advertising to grow your brand reputation and revenue.” Advertising is a paid communication that informs an audience about a product. Take advantage of it!
