Sales Strategies for Selling in Difficult Times

BY Rachel Cagle
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It can be tough to maintain sales numbers when selling in difficult times such as the ones we are currently experiencing. It can be difficult to motivate yourself to keep making sales at your normal pace. And it can be even harder to get prospective clients to sign contracts when the future is as uncertain as it is right now. But you have learned to adjust your sales strategies for a variety of selling situations in the past. Gerhard Gschwandtner, writing for SellingPower, says you can do the same now by following these sales tips.

Sales Strategies for Selling in Difficult Times

Consider the Worst, But Hope for the Best

Your attitude toward anything you do often sways the outcome. Sales is no different. If you go into a sales meeting focusing on the worst possible outcome, you are subconsciously influencing your prospective clients to do the same. So, have faith in yourself and what you are selling. But also know that the sales process will likely be considerably slower because of the coronavirus. You need to be patient and empathetic with your prospects when selling in difficult times. So, offer support to your prospects where you can and be confident in your product or service’s ability to help them out, even now. Your prospect's confidence will be in short supply until things are back to normal, whenever that may be. Make sure it is a key part of all your sales strategies when selling in difficult times.

Reach Out to Your Customers Right Now

The whole world seems to be shutting down, but you can’t. And you also can’t let your clients wonder what your next course of action is. You need to reach out to your clients and find out what they need from you at this time. Maybe the need you discover will lead to another sale. Or maybe the need is just the reassurance that they still have your help when they need it. Either way, your clients will remember that you took the time to personally reach out to them, even during a confusing time. Sometimes even the simplest parts of sales strategies when selling during difficult times can spark customer loyalty and future sales.

Focus on Improving Your Skills

Sometimes even the best laid plans are unfruitful. If you are still not making much headway in your sales, do not panic. Instead of trying to force sales where you can, focus on professional development. Find some webinars on selling skills or meet up virtually with some co-​workers to compare sales strategies and tactics. Keep your skills sharp for when sales pick up again. Remember, you will not always be selling in difficult times. Keep your chin up.
