Sell Smarter — Episode 23 — Millennial Decision-Makers

BY Rachel Cagle
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The decision maker is a millennial. WHAT NOW?!? 

I’m Ari Gatzulis and this is Sell Smarter. 

While older generations are likely to check out your credentials before meeting with you, millennials like me are also likely to check out your social media posts and photos. So, make sure your social accounts are up-​to-​date, interesting and safe for work. 

30% of us can be influenced to meet with you if we’ve seen you in a video or read about you. Try shooting some video of yourself for YouTube, write a post for your LinkedIn account or share some great shots on Instagram. 

We want to know more about you before spending time with you. 

After you get the meeting with a millennial decision-​maker, there’s one sure way to lose the sale. Never keep pushing us to make a decision before we’re ready. 

Want more insight on millennial decision makers? Get the Selling to Millennial Decision-​Makers white paper at SalesFuel​.com.
