B2B Credibility Building Tool for Marketing Agencies

Win More New Business,
Stave Off Agency Reviews

Leverage the secret power of credibility and trust building for advertising, PR and marketing agencies.

Even the best marketing agencies live and die by the number of accounts they attract and retain. In fact, all of them do. Today, new accounts are hard to come by. The 4A's report that 55% of agencies find it more challenging to break through to prospective accounts.

In addition, agencies are being asked to defend accounts they already have. Clients use account reviews to get the incumbent agency to work harder and faster at a reduced cost. Going through the review process costs agencies thousands of dollars.

The review process is also costly for clients and takes an average of two months to complete. Often, price-​cutting is the top criterion for determining the winner of an agency review.

If you want to win more new business and keep existing accounts profitable, then you need to check out SalesCred® PRO.

How SalesCred PRO can help marketing agencies succeed…

It's not about how much you believe in your team’s credibility. It's about how much your clients and prospects believe in you. SalesCred PRO can position you and your marketing agency as industry authorities in just about every vertical.

When you help your account managers and new business hunters increase their credibility, your agency will win bigger and keep more accounts longer. In addition, you will secure greater profitability for your agency.

How can your agency become known as the go-​to expert in your prospective client's line of business? You must leverage the secret power of credibility first.

Build Credibility Earn Trust Win Clients.

Earn trust faster (and keep it)
with SalesCred PRO.

Get a free 7‑day trial!

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Make a positive first impression as a trusted marketing agency.

Most buyers check out salespeople online before talking to them, leaving their first impression of you in the hands of LinkedIn, Google, and other platforms where you post your profile. These buyers want an expert who understands and can genuinely assist them.

What they find online about your team members determines whether they will take the next step into the sales funnel. SalesCred PRO’s Digital CredCheck™ shows your salespeople their digital score and coaches them on improving it.

Get the fair-​unfair advantage when competing for new accounts.

Acquiring new accounts is all about having a fair-​unfair advantage. Prospects don’t have to tell you about their business. In fact, they will be reticent to share their information because they don’t trust you as a full-​service marketing agency.

Your business development team must give information to the prospect that they don’t know. The prospect will perceive your agency as a credible partner after that exchange.

When your team uses SalesCred PRO’s real-​time pre-​sales research focusing on the account and their industry, they will gain a considerable advantage.

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Keep their trust to keep their account.

Landing a new account is far more expensive than retaining an existing client. However, according to COR, the average marketing agencies lose 30% of their clients annually. Why?

The main reason is that your account doesn’t believe you are providing the same value you promised when you won the contract. You can retain more clients when your team showcases their relevance in meeting clients’ business goals.

Our on-​demand competitive intelligence tells you what to say. The information makes it easier to engage with clients and amplify your clients’ marketing efforts in a manner that demonstrates your industry expertise.