Manage Smarter 253 — Frank Somma — Unlocking the Power of AI and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

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In this episode of the Manage Smarter Podcast, hosts C. Lee Smith and Audrey Strong discuss the ascendancy of AI combined with neuro linguistic programming (NLP) with their guest, Frank Somma, author of the book "B2B is really P2P: How to Win with High Touch in a High Tech World." 

Frank is a sales and communications expert who uses NLP techniques to teach business people how to be more charismatic and persuasive in their interactions. He has been speaking professionally for over 15 years winning accolades from such notable organizations as DLL Bank, GE, Xerox, EMC and several Big I associations. And when he isn't running one of his businesses, he's out raising money for The Cooley’s Anemia Foundation.

In this podcast for sales managers and executive leadership, Audrey, Lee and Frank Somma discuss:

The Impact of AI on Sales Communication

Frank emphasizes the importance of mastering interpersonal communication, especially in the age of AI. He warns against relying too heavily on technology and losing sight of the human element in sales. According to Frank, the hierarchy of communication for salespeople is as follows:

  • In-​person communication
  • Zoom/​video calls
  • Phone calls
  • Emails

He cautions against using AI to write emails, as it may lead to a lack of personalization and genuine connection with potential clients.

Understanding Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP, as defined by Frank, is the study of interpersonal communication and the nuances of human interaction. It focuses on building rapport with others by matching their communication style, tone, and energy level. Frank shares examples of how NLP techniques can be used to adapt to different communication styles and create meaningful connections with clients.

The Role of NLP in Sales Credibility

Frank emphasizes the importance of credibility in sales and how NLP can be used to establish trust and rapport with clients. He advises salespeople to be direct in their communication and avoid credibility killers such as using vague language and over-​reliance on email communication.

Leveraging NLP for Personal and Professional Success

As a leader in the C‑suite, Frank advises individuals to ask questions and listen attentively to establish personal relationships with stakeholders, investors, and board members. He stresses the importance of sincerity and genuine interest in others to build meaningful connections.

In conclusion, Frank highlights the value of NLP in sales and the need for sales professionals to prioritize interpersonal communication skills in the age of AI. 

"If you don't get good at the one thing that we can do that AI can't do, you will become obsolete."

Frank Somma

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