SalesFuel Today
Today’s B2B sellers are under immense pressure to deliver new revenue from businesses that are, themselves, evolving. Many prospects are struggling to harness AI, adjust workplace dynamics and exploit innovative technology. Meanwhile, sellers are simply looking for an opportunity to provide solutions and solve problems. While B2B vendors seek efficient
If you are hiring, chances are you are ignoring the resumes from Gen Z candidates that come your way. Data indicates that Gen Z employees have about a 50% chance of being terminated during the first year of employment. Would better communication tactics improve this outcome?
No B2B salesperson wants to be on the receiving end of customer dissatisfaction. But when commercial transactions go wrong there’s plenty of anger and blame to go around. That’s why knowing how to assume responsibility and when to apologize is an essential sales skill.
Leaders who are hiring for their open sales management positions can’t afford to make a mistake. Finding the best candidates means focusing on top sales manager skills such as self-control. Psychometric assessments can help managers learn which candidates have those skills.
SalesFuel has promoted Darby Doll to TeamTrait Global Brand Manager. In his expanded role, Darby will take on additional responsibilities in marketing and managing TeamTrait® sales, while continuing his key contributions as part of the SalesFuel marketing team. "Companies today recognize how important building high-performing teams is to gaining
Most everyone has a trick to remember stuff. It may be notes and alarms on your smart phone, taking copious photos or writing ‘notes-to-self’ throughout the day. Maybe you retain enough information to follow a conversation or presume you know the thrust of a proposal. But with a high stakes deal on the line how do assure your recall is up to the task?