Sales Credibility Infographics

Before salespeople can be thought of as 'trusted advisors,' they first must have a high level of sales credibility. Credible salespeople are believed to know what they're talking about, and know how to help solve business problems or achieve goals. They gain greater access to  the top decision-​makers and sensitive business information needed to close deals.

Sales Credibility Quick Takes

The Best Sales Call Questions are Powered by Outstanding Emotional Intelligence

The best sales call questions begin with understanding, empathy and a desire for a meaningful connection.

Walk away from a prospect
Signs You Should Walk Away From A Prospect

You may be surprised that there are times when you should walk away from a prospect. Not every buyer you encounter will be a good fit.

To Score More Sales, Keep the Pipeline Full

A robust sales pipeline will help you maintain your momentum, streamline the selling process and close more sales with prospects faster.

strategic discovery questions
Strategic Discovery Questions to Ask Every Prospect

It’s important to ask strategic discovery questions to uncover a prospect’s true needs, goals and pain points.

sales rep
Is Poor Organization Sinking Your Career as a Successful Sales Rep?

A purpose driven sales rep can defeat clutter and overcome the pull of procrastination by following these tips.

powerful sales questions
Powerful Sales Questions to Ask Prospects

Sellers who ask powerful sales questions position themselves for success. They can leverage the valuable knowledge gained from these questions to develop relationships, show value and close sales.

Why Sales Objections Are About More Than Price

Responding to sales objections is critical in the B2B sales game. Price is a problem until value is established.

How to Use Personal Branding in Establishing Company Credibility

Credible personal branding is essential to establishing trust in your company from customers and employees.

10 Biggest Secrets Behind Successful Selling for IT Services

Managed IT service providers that cater to the unique needs of B2B organizations must offer scalable solutions, personalized support, and predictable pricing models.

prospecting calls
Start Your Prospecting Calls With These Phrases

It’s tough enough to uncover quality prospects. It’s even more difficult to keep their attention and capture interest during a prospecting call.

How to be a Credible Law Firm

Partners should evaluate their law firm culture to ensure that it is consistent with how they envision and present themselves. Solo practitioners should focus on managing their reputations.

5 Best Ways to Gather Competitive Intelligence in the Sales Environment

Competitive intelligence is an often-​overlooked component to sales success. Check out these tips to up your game.

Top 3 Standards in Building Trust in Financial Services

Embracing these standards of building trust will be rewarding. Financial services agents can effectively champion the interests of their clients and contribute to their long-​term financial success.

construction companies
How to Use Credibility to Boost Sales for Construction Companies

There's an opportunity for construction companies to increase revenue in today’s crowded market. But your construction company may not be taking advantage of it.

3 Tactics to Help You Close the Deal

You can successfully close the deal if you establish trust, build value and cleverly handle objections.

How to Create a Sales Email Template for Winning those Deals

As you set up your sales email template give special attention to conveying your sincerity and credibility. B2B decision-​makers seek a trustworthy expert who knows what they're talking about and knows how to help.

For Young Salespeople, Building Credibility Is The Best Sales Advice

By combining strategies that employ the best sales advice, young salespeople can proactively build credibility in the workplace.

customer relationship management
Customer Relationship Management — Why is it Important in Sales?

Customer relationship management is a hot topic in the sales industry. But sellers may not even understand why customer relationship management (CRM) is important.

What are the Vital Roles of Salespeople in Wealth Management?

Building and maintaining credibility and trust in wealth management require ongoing efforts, ethical conduct and a commitment to client success. Embrace these principles to improve your practice today.

good discovery questions
What Makes Good Discovery Questions?

Do you know what makes good discovery questions? How do you decide which questions to ask during discovery?

Sales Credibility CredTalks

CredTalk: How Salespeople Can Prove They’ll Be a Seamless Extension to a Buyer’s Team

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Author and Executive Teams Coach, James Scouller, about How Salespeople Can Prove They’ll Be a Seamless Extension to a Buyer’s Team.

CredTalk: How New Salespeople Can Establish their Credibility and Brand

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Author and United Nations Peacekeeper, Urs Koenig, about How New Salespeople Can Establish their Credibility and Brand.

CredTalk: Adapting to an Evolving Sales Process in the Digital Era

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks about how salespeople can adapt to an evolving digital era sales process.

CredTalk: One Way to Communicate Better as Leaders and Salespeople

In this 90-​second Q&A, AdMall CEO C. Lee Smith talks to Frank Somma, Author and Founder of the Somma Group, about how to become a better communicator as a leader or salesperson.

CredTalk: Number One Mistake Salespeople Make When Accepting a Marketing Qualified Lead

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Ryan Ruud, CEO of Lake One. Lee asks what the number one mistake salespeople make when deciding to accept a marketing qualified lead. Listen to Ryan's

CredTalk: One Killer Question Salespeople Must Ask Their Prospects

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Dr. Jean Oursler, author of Give Up Goals and Results Are Yours. Lee asked about one killer question salespeople must ask their prospects. She gave him three!

CredTalk: How Credibility Can Differentiate Salespeople

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks about how credibility can differentiate salespeople from their peers.

CredTalk: How to Sell in the Luxury Market

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Richard Weylman, Former GM of Rolls Royce, consultant and author of "100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life" about how to sell in the

CredTalk: How to Improve Your Executive Presence

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Joel Garfinkle, author of the book "Executive Presence: Step into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead with Conviction" about how salespeople can

CredTalk: Why Your Digital Footprint is Important to Potential Buyers

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Dr. Jean Oursler of EOS Worldwide about why your digital footprint can be important to potential buyers.

CredTalk: Some of the Most Credible Professions

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks about which professions are deemed the most credible by Americans. Spoiler alert: it's not sales.

CredTalk: How to Prepare for Meeting a High-​Dollar Prospect

In this 90-​second video, Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith talks to Wendy Swire, Principal of Swire Solutions about how salespeople can prepare for meeting a high-​dollar prospect.

C. Lee Smith is the CEO of SalesFuel and author of the Amazon bestselling sales book "SalesCred: How Buyers Qualify Sellers." Book Lee as a keynote speaker, facilitator or expert panelist for your next meeting or conference.

Sales Credibility Podcasts

Manage Smarter, Frank Somma, B2B, NLP, AI, SalesFuel, SalesCred
Joel Garfinkle, Executive Presence, Manage Smarter, Impostor Syndrome, Leadership, Credibility, SalesFuel
Dr. Jean Oursler, EOS, Caveman Brain, Urgency, The Results Queen, productivity, Manage Smarter, podcast, SalesFuel, TeamTrait
Wendy Swire, self sabotage, brain science, adaptability, cognitive fitness, manage smarter, podcast, salesfuel, teamtrait
Stephanie Brown, Creative Career Lab, You're Fired, Termination, Career Development, Career Pathing, Manage Smarter, podcast, SalesFuel, TeamTrait
Luis Scott, 8 Figure Firm, attorney, legal services, mediation, soft skills, management, leadership, Manage Smarter, podcast, SalesFuel, SalesCred
Justin Nelson, Sphere Rocket, virtual assistants, real estate, social media, Manage Smarter, podcast, SalesFuel, SalesCred
Steve Shenbaum, Game On, gamification, employee engagement, sales management, leadership, communication, teamwork, Manage Smarter, SalesFuel
category design, superconsumers; business category, go to market strategy, go to market, product launch, sales, Eddie Yoon, Category Pirates, Manage Smarter, SalesFuel
Go for No, Andrea Waltz, When They Say No, rejection, sales, leadership, Manage Smarter, SalesFuel
sales pipeline, sales pipeline management, ignite selling, Steve Gielda, Manage Smarter, SalesFuel
Brynne Tillman, social selling. social sales link, linkedin, chatgpt, ai, social media, manage smarter, podcast, SalesFuel SalesCred, sales credibility, digital credibility
Beth Trejo,Chatterkick,Manage Smarter,Empathy,AI,digital,social media,leadership,salesfuel
Elizabeth Rosenberg, Personal Branding, Good Advice Company, sales management, executive presence, Manage Smarter, SalesFuel
Jon Morris, Ramsay Innovations, marketing agencies, advertising agency, financials, forecasting, budgeting
Maria Victoria Albina talks about how sales managers and executive leadership can manage stress, anxiety and burnout on the Manage Smarter podcast from SalesFuel
Anthony Iannarino talks about sales process and increasing revenue on the Manage Smarter podcast from SalesFuel
Darrin Jahnel talks about special teams cultures on the Manage Smarter podcast from SalesFuel
David Saltzman talks about storytelling on the Manage Smarter podcast from SalesFuel
Jeb Blount Selling in a Crisis Recession Sales Manage Smarter
Michelle Tillis Lederman on the Manage Smarter Show by SalesFuel
Julie Hansen on the Manage Smarter Show by SalesFuel
Lee Salz on the Manage Smarter Show podcast on SalesFuel for sales managers salespeople and leadership
LinkedIn Branding Expert Carol Kaemmerer on the Manage Smarter show for sales managers from SalesFuel

These episodes feature lively discussions about credibility and trust building for sales managers and executive leadership.