Julie Hansen is a virtual-selling thought leader and the author of three books including the recent, "Look Me In The Eye: Using Video to Build Relationships with Customers, Partners, & Teams," which was named Top Sales Book of 2021.
Through her Selling On Video Master Class and coaching, Julie helps sales leaders and teams to leverage video in a way that drives sales.
In addition to a successful career in sales and leadership, Julie worked as a professional actor appearing in over 75 plays, commercials, films, and television shows, including HBO’s Sex & The City
In this podcast and vodcast for sales managers and sales leaders, Audrey, Lee and Julie discuss:
- Mistakes salespeople make while on camera online that damages their credibility
- Strategies for body language, eyes and facial expressions during virtual presentations
- How to use peripheral vision exercises and energy levels to build online sales credibility
- Why salespeople need to keep their online camera ON even if the prospect or client has theirs off
- Camera positioning, where to look when and how to successfully “read the room” when it’s a digital online Zoom room or other platform
"The main mistake leaders make is they equate a salesperson’s length of time on video with competency."
Julie Hansen
Connect with Julie Hansen:
- Website: https://juliehansen.live/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliehansensalestraining/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/acting4sales
Build Credibility and Effective Leadership with the Manage Smarter Show:
- Website: ManageSmarter.com
- Twitter: @ManageSmartPod
- LinkedIn: Audrey Strong
- LinkedIn: C. Lee Smith
Connect with SalesFuel:
- Website: https://salesfuel.com
- Twitter: @SalesFuel
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salesfuel/