Credibility Building Tool for Wealth Management Advisors

Attract the high net worth clients you want most.

Be seen as the trusted and discreet advisor in wealth management by demonstrating impeccable credibility.

High net worth individuals can be demanding clients. These individuals usually have at least $750,000 available to invest. They expect personalized service, high return on investment, and opportunities to explore that unavailable to other consumers.

Wealth managers face multiple challenges in reaching these investors. First, you must establish your reputation as a trustworthy advisor. As you know, these well-​off investors are extremely cautious about whom they will trust with their money. Whether you are a private wealth firm, a bank department, or a family office, you need sales credibility to attract clients.

In addition, high net worth individuals will only do business with firms that have shown they are discreet. In today’s increasingly connected world, they count on you to protect them from becoming the target of a highly visible “cancel campaign.”

Finally, high net worth consumers want to hire a wealth advisor with a proven track record. But they have to see it, or hear about it from others, before they'll engage.

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If you want to win more new clients and have existing accounts refer you to others, then you need to check out SalesCred® PRO.

How SalesCred PRO can help you succeed with wealth management clients…

It's not about how much you believe in your team’s credibility. It's about how much your clients and prospects believe in you. SalesCred PRO can enable them to perceive you and your firm as people who know what they're talking about and know how to help.

Finally, high net worth consumers want to hire a wealth advisor with a proven track record. both online and in-​person, you will take on bigger clients and keep them for life. In addition, you will also secure greater profitability for your company.

How can your firm become known as the go-​to money managers for people like them? You must leverage the secret power of credibility first.

Build Credibility Earn Trust Win Clients.

Earn trust faster (and keep it)
with SalesCred PRO.

Get a free 7‑day trial!

We never sell your info!
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Make a positive first impression as a well-​known expert.

Your prospects will want to know about your philosophy and how you do business. If a friend mentions your name, they’ll check out you and your company online. You must be visible, findable and impressive. You should provide advice, tout your success, and predict the impact of the latest economic trends on sites like LinkedIn.

In today’s highly politicized environment, wealthy clients will expect to invest only in companies and funds that align with their values. What you say and how you say it matters when you connect with consumers who want to hire a wealth management advisor. This is especially true for clients who may wish to avoid investing in industries with high carbon emissions, for example.

What they find online about you also determines whether they will take the next step into the sales funnel. SalesCred PRO’s Digital CredCheck™ shows advisors their digital score and coaches them on improving it.

Get the fair-​unfair advantage to win high net worth clients.

Acquiring new accounts is all about having a fair-​unfair advantage. Prospects don’t have to tell you about their business. In fact, they will be reticent to share their information because they don’t trust you as leader in the field.

Use SalesCred PRO’s real-​time business intelligence to demonstrate your knowledge of how the client makes their money. Even better, you’ll see exclusive buyer behavior that reveals the opportunities and headwinds facing them.

SalesCred PRO's AI-​powered Say It Better tool will help you improve your communications with prospects. Even better, the tool coaches you on what to say based on the observed personality of the prospect.

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Keep their trust to retain their account and earn referrals.

The average client turnover in this industry ranges from 5–10% annually. Many advisors immediately fear that a poor return on investment will drive away clients. That’s not always true.

Research shows that a lack of consistent communication plays a key role in client loss. When advisors fail to stay in touch with clients or set expectations appropriately, they put their accounts at risk. SalesCred PRO’s AI-​powered CredWriter™ assists wealth managers in correctly phrasing email and text messages.

You know that gaining the trust of your clients is the key to expanding their scope of service and revenue. They will listen to your recommendations about retirement and estate planning after you demonstrate competence, empathy, and the ability to personalize offerings.

Earn the respect and recognition you deserve as one of the most credible wealth managers for high net worth clients.

Contact our strategists to discuss the best approach to optimize your team’s credibility and start winning your prospect's trust faster.