TeamTrait, pre-hire assessments, sales assessment tests, psychometrics, behavior, motivation, HVP, toxicity, employee retention, company culture

Build your brand's
influence and revenue.

AudienceSCAN market research psychographics digital audience segmentation purchase intent shopographics marketing intelligence digital marketing

Back your plans with trusted, third-​party data.

AdMall, Digital Audit, health care marketing, healthcare marketing, medical marketing, digital marketing intelligence, content marketing intelligence, hospital marketing

Use the best of multiple digital marketing platforms.

AdMall, health care marketing, healthcare marketing, content marketing, patient education, hospital marketing, doctor marketing

Know your audience to impact your audience.

AdMall, health care marketing, hospital marketing, healthcare marketing, marketing intelligence

Build credibility at every meeting.


The Tactical Market Intelligence Tool for Health Care Marketers

AdMall is a leading sales research and market intelligence tool in healthcare. Equipped with advanced sales research tools for health care marketers and market intelligence tools for health care marketers, AdMall offers in-​depth insights and analysis.

Utilize AdMall's market research tools for health care marketers to uncover trends, optimize advertising strategies and drive revenue growth. Empower your sales team with the data they need to excel in the competitive health care marketing landscape, ensuring exceptional results and success.

AdMall AudienceSCAN: healthcare content marketing, psychographics

AudienceSCAN® patient psychographics and lifestyles.

With extensive profiles of over 1,355 customer groups, AdMall's exclusive AudienceSCAN research provides unparalleled insights into consumer behavior, purchase intent, digital and technology usage, health and wellness concerns, automotive preferences, leisure interests, dining habits, and more.

Whether you're a business development specialist seeking new opportunities or a marketer aiming to win over an important segment of the market, AudienceSCAN empowers you to make data-​driven decisions. By reaching the people who truly matter and crafting messages that resonate, you can maximize your marketing efforts and drive conversions like never before. Our sales research tools for health care marketers, market intelligence tools for health care marketers, and market research tools for health care marketers provide the edge you need.

Digital Audit™ digital marketing analysis in seconds.

AdMall’s Digital Audit does in 60 seconds what would take you 60 minutes to do by hand. This exclusive tool conducts a real-​time data capture of any prospect’s digital presence (or your own) and reveals where digital marketing is falling short.

Using real-​time big data, Digital Audit analyzes advertising, marketing activity, reputation, and findability. It then helps you meet customers where they’re online and produce content marketing that really resonates with your ideal market. It's also an excellent competitive intelligence tool, equipped with market intelligence tools for health care marketers, market research tools for health care marketers, and sales research tools for health care marketers.

AdMall: healthcare marketing, patient education, hospital marketing

Health-​related conditions down to the zip code.

Health care service providers will find data that totals the number of people with specific cancer diagnoses down to the zip code level. In addition, AdMall has provided numbers on child and adult health care services visits in the past year. Health care professionals can access patient-​reported conditions such as sadness and use that information to develop marketing campaigns.

Health care marketers can target prospects by analyzing data on consumers who do not have a usual place of health care or those who have not visited a health care provider in the past five years.

Whether you're seeking new patients or opening a new facility, AdMall empowers you to make data-​driven decisions. By reaching the people who truly matter, you can maximize the investment of your marketing dollars like never before. Our market intelligence tools for health care marketers, market research tools for health care marketers, and sales research tools for health care marketers provide the insights you need.

Latest B2B buyer research from SalesFuel.

Uncover invaluable insights with SalesFuel's exclusive B2B buyer research. Gain a competitive edge with the latest studies like: Voice of Health Care Marketers, Voice of the B2B Buyer, Voice of the Sales Manager, and Voice of the Sales Rep.

Unleash the power of data-​driven decision-​making, fine-​tune your strategies, and confidently stay ahead of the competition. Elevate your marketing endeavors with SalesFuel's authoritative research, empowering you to achieve remarkable results with our market intelligence tools for health care marketers, market research tools for health care marketers, and sales research tools for health care marketers.

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AAF American Advertising Federation AdMall AudienceSCAN marketing intelligence NSAC sponsor

Grow your revenue
by providing insight and education.


AdMall's Digital Audit tool delivers to health care providers a comprehensive analysis of their digital marketing and optimized strategies to reach and engage their target audience, along with data that compares their standing against select competitors.


Now available for health care marketers, AdMall is the most trusted local market research and market intelligence tool for media companies and boutique agencies in the United States. AdMall includes data and projections on health-​related conditions down to the zip code level, utilizing market intelligence tools for health care marketers and market research tools for health care marketers.


Creating compelling and relevant content strategies is vital for successful health care marketing. AdMall provides valuable insights on patient preferences, needs, and research habits — enabling you to craft targeted content that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful engagement using our sales research tools for health care marketers.

primary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research













More than 33 years of accurate, up-to-date
health care marketing insight.

Expansive, not expensive.

Here's just a sampling of AdMall's marketing research data points:

CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  1. Doctors
  2. Allergists
  3. Cardiologists
  4. Chiropractors
  5. Cosmetic Surgeons
  6. Dermatologists
  7. Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)
  8. Endocrinologists
  9. Gastroenterologists
  10. Neurologists
  11. Obstetrics and Gynecology
  12. Oncologists
  13. Orthopedic
  14. Pediatricians
  15. Podiatrists
  16. Urologists
  17. Vascular Surgeons
  18. Veterinarians
  19. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Centers
  20. Diagnostic and Other Imaging Services Centers
  21. Family Planning Centers
  22. Hearing Aid Centers
  23. Hormone Replacement Therapy Providers
  24. Kidney Dialysis Centers
  25. Laboratories
  26. Medical Spas
  27. Mental Health Professionals
  28. Ophthalmologists/​Eye Surgeons
  29. Optical Stores/​Optometrists
  30. Orthotics and Prosthetics Service Providers
  31. Pain Management Clinics
  32. Sleep Disorder Centers

EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Acupuncture Patients
  2. Addiction Treatment Patients
  3. Allergist Patients
  4. Animal Cause Supporters
  5. Botox /​ Collagen /​ Injectable Filler Clients
  6. Cancer (Oncology) Patients
  7. Cardiologist Patients
  8. Cat Owners
  9. Chiropractic Patients
  10. Concierge Medical Service Users
  11. Cosmetic Surgery Patients (Invasive)
  12. Cosmetic Surgery Patients (Non-​Invasive)
  13. Dermatologist Patients
  14. Dog Owners
  15. Elective Surgery Shoppers
  16. Eyecare Patients
  17. In-​store Medical Clinic Patients
  18. Kidney Dialysis/​Treatment Patients
  19. LASIK Surgery Shoppers
  20. Neurology Patients
  21. Orthodontic Patients
  22. Orthopedic Patients
  23. Pediatrician Patients
  24. Pet Owners
  25. Pet Health Insurance Buyers
  26. Physical Therapy Patients
  27. Podiatrist Patients
  28. Potential Doctor Switchers
  29. Potential Eye Doctor /​ Optometrist Switchers
  30. Potential Pediatrician Switchers
  31. Prescription Eyeglass /​ Sunglass Shoppers
  32. Psychologic/​Counseling Service Patients (for you or a family member)
  33. Routine Health Care Services Customers
  34. Telehealth Users
  35. Urgent Care Patients
  36. Urology Patients
  37. Veterinary Patients (for my pet)
  38. Vitamin/​Nutritional Supplement Users
  39. Weight Loss Procedure/​Surgery Patients

PATIENT GROUP DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Aerobic Guidelines Only — Sufficiently active (met guidelines)
  2. Aerobically Inactive within the Last Year
  3. Any Physical Activity was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  4. Began Experiencing Chronic Joint Symptoms within the Last Year
  5. Climbing up 10 Steps Without Resting was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  6. Current Smokers
  7. Currently Diagnosed with Asthma
  8. Developed Ulcers
  9. Diagnosed Hypertension
  10. Diagnosed with a Heart Disease
  11. Diagnosed with Arthritis
  12. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
  13. Diagnosed with Cancer
  14. Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
  15. Diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis
  16. Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease
  17. Diagnosed with Diabetes
  18. Diagnosed with Emphysema
  19. Diagnosed with Hay Fever
  20. Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
  21. Diagnosed with Liver Disease
  22. Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
  23. Diagnosed with Sinusitis
  24. Did Not Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  25. Everything was an Effort — All or Most of the Time This Year
  26. Everything was an Effort — Some of the Time This Year
  27. Experienced Face or Jaw Pain within the Last Year
  28. Experienced Hearing Trouble within the Last Year
  29. Experienced Hopelessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  30. Experienced Hopelessness — Some of the Time This Year
  31. Experienced Lower Back Pain within the Last Year
  32. Experienced Neck Pain within the Last Year
  33. Experienced Nervousness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  34. Experienced Nervousness — Some of the Time This Year
  35. Experienced Restlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  36. Experienced Restlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  37. Experienced Sadness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  38. Experienced Sadness — Some of the Time This Year
  39. Experienced Serious Psychological Distress within the Last Year
  40. Experienced Vision Trouble within the Last Year
  41. Experienced Worthlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  42. Experienced Worthlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  43. Former Infrequent Alcohol Drinker
  44. Former Regular Alcohol Drinker
  45. Former Smokers
  46. Grasping or Handling Small Objects was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  47. Had a Healthy Weight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  48. Had a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  49. Had an Obese Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  50. Had an Overweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  51. Had an Underweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  52. Had Unmet Dental Need Due to Cost within the Last Year
  53. Has Never Been Tested for HIV
  54. Health Status This Year — Excellent or Very Good
  55. Health Status This Year — Fair or Poor
  56. Health Status This Year — Good
  57. Infrequently Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  58. Insufficiently Aerobically Active within the Last Year
  59. Last doctor visit — 6 months or less
  60. Last doctor visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  61. Last doctor visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  62. Last doctor visit — more than 5 years (excluding never)
  63. Last doctor visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  64. Last doctor visit — never
  65. Lifetime Alcohol Abstainer
  66. Lifting or Carrying 10 Pounds was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  67. Met Both Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  68. Met Full Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  69. Met Full Muscle-​Strengthening Guidelines within the Last Year
  70. Met Neither Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  71. Non-​smokers
  72. Office visits in the past 12 months — 1
  73. Office visits in the past 12 months — 10 or more
  74. Office visits in the past 12 months — 2 ‑3
  75. Office visits in the past 12 months — 4–9
  76. Office visits in the past 12 months — None
  77. Previously Diagnosed with Asthma
  78. Pushing or Pulling Large Objects was Diffucult or Could Not be Done This Year
  79. Reaching Overhead was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  80. Regularly Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  81. Sitting for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  82. Smokers Who Smoked Every Day This Year
  83. Smokers Who Smoked Some Days This Year
  84. Standing for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not Be Done This Year
  85. Stooping, Bending or Kneeling was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  86. Suffered a Stroke within the Last Year
  87. Suffered Migranes or Severe Headaches within the Last Year
  88. Used a Hospital Emergency Room within the Last Year
  89. Used a Hospital Outpatient Department within the Last Year
  90. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Clinic or Health Center
  91. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Doctor's Office or HMO
  92. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Other
  93. Walking a Quarter Mile was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  94. Was Tested for HIV within the Last Year
  95. All persons with a usual place of health care
  96. Child — Delayed Medical Care Due to Cost This Year
  97. Child — Had Unmet Medical Need This Year
  98. Child — Last health care professional visit — 6 months or less
  99. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  100. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  101. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 5 years
  102. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  103. Child — Prescription medication taken regularly for at least 3 months
  104. Child — Was Unisnured for Health Care This Year
  105. Child Aged 3 to 17 Diagnosed with a Learning Disability
  106. Child Aged 3 to 17 Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  107. Child Diagnosed with Respiratory Allergies
  108. Child In Excellent Health Overall Last Year
  109. Child In Fair or Poor Health Overall Last Year
  110. Child In Good Health Overall Last Year
  111. Child In Very Good Health Overall Last Year
  112. Child Who Didn't Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  113. Child Who has had Asthma
  114. Child Who was Diagnosed with Asthma
  115. Child Who was Diagnosed with Hay Fever
  116. Child Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Doctor's Office
  117. Children receiving special education or early intervention services
  118. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — None
  119. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — One
  120. Emergency room visits in past 12 months ‑Two or more
  121. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — None
  122. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — One
  123. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 ‑Two or more
  124. Food Allergies
  125. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 1–2 days
  126. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 11 or more days
  127. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 3–5 days
  128. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 6–10 days
  129. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — Did not go to school
  130. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — None
  131. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 1–2 days
  132. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 11 or more days
  133. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 3–5 days
  134. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 6–10 days
  135. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — Did not go to school
  136. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury) — None
  137. Skin Allergies
  138. Death from Alzheimer's disease
  139. Death from Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  140. Death from All Causes
  141. Death from Assault (homicide)
  142. Death from Cerebrovascular diseases
  143. Death from Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
  144. Death from Chronic lower respiratory diseases
  145. Death from Diabetes mellitus
  146. Death from Diseases of the heart
  147. Death from Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease
  148. Death from Influenza and pneumonia
  149. Death from Intentional self-​harm (suicide)
  150. Death from Malignant neoplasms
  151. Death from Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
  152. Death from Parksinson's disease
  153. Death from Septicemia

CONSUMER SPENDING for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level for geotargeting
  1. Healthcare Overall
  2. Health insurance
  3. Commercial health insurance
  4. Fee for service health plan (not BCBS)
  5. Blue Cross, Blue Shield
  6. Fee for service health plan (BCBS)
  7. Health maintenance organization (BCBS)
  8. Commercial medicare supplement (BCBS)
  9. Dental care insurance (BCBS)
  10. Vision care insurance (BCBS)
  11. Other single service insurance (BCBS)
  12. Prescription drug insurance (BCBS)
  13. Health maintenance organization (not BCBS)
  14. Medicare payments
  15. Medicare prescription drug premium
  16. Medicaid premiums
  17. Tricare/​military premiums
  18. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) premiums
  19. Commercial medicare supplements and other health insurance
  20. Commercial medicare supplement (not BCBS)
  21. Dental care insurance (not BCBS)
  22. Vision care insurance (not BCBS)
  23. Other single service insurance (not BCBS)
  24. Prescription drug insurance (not BCBS)
  25. Long term care insurance (not BCBS)
  26. Long term care insurance (BCBS)
  27. Medical services
  28. Physician's services
  29. Eyecare services
  30. Lab tests, x‑rays
  31. Medical supplies
  32. Eyeglasses and contact lenses
  33. Hearing aids
  34. Topicals and dressings
  35. Supportive and convalescent medical equipment
  36. Pet food
  37. Pet purchase, supplies, medicine
  38. Vet services
  39. Alcoholic beverages
  40. Cigarettes
  41. Other tobacco products
CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Children living at home
  2. Occupation/​commute time
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Veterans
  6. Language Spoken
  7. All standard population breakdowns

Gross Domestic Product
  1. Offices of physicians ($000)
  2. Offices of other health practitioners ($000)
  3. Residential mental health, substance abuse, and other residential care facilities ($000)
  4. Veterinary services ($000)
  5. Medical and diagnostic laboratories ($000)
  6. Surgical and medical instrument manufacturing ($000)
  7. Surgical appliance and supplies manufacturing ($000)
  8. Ophthalmic goods manufacturing ($000)
CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  1. Hospitals, General Medical and Surgical
  2. Hospitals, Specialty
  3. Medical Clinics
  4. Urgent Care Centers
  5. Physical/​Occupational Therapists
  6. Sleep Disorder Centers
  7. Therapy Rehabilitation Centers
  8. Ambulance Services


EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Elective Surgery Shoppers
  2. Cancer (Oncology) Patients
  3. Cardiologist Patients
  4. Chronic Pain Sufferers
  5. Family Starters
  6. Health & Wellness Readers
  7. Health /​ Doctor Talk Listeners
  8. Health Fair /​ Expo Attendees
  9. Health+Disease Charity Supporters (non-​Cancer)
  10. Kidney Dialysis/​Treatment Patients
  11. Neurology Patients
  12. Orthopedic Patients
  13. Parents of Children 6–9
  14. Parents of Newborns /​ Toddlers
  15. Parents of Pre-Teens
  16. Parents of Teenagers
  17. Pediatrician Patients
  18. Physical Therapy Patients
  19. Telehealth Users
  20. Urgent Care Patients
  21. Urology Patients
  22. WebMD Users
  23. Well TV viewers
  24. Wellness​.com Users


PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Aerobic Guidelines Only — Sufficiently active (met guidelines)
  2. Aerobically Inactive within the Last Year
  3. Any Physical Activity was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  4. Began Experiencing Chronic Joint Symptoms within the Last Year
  5. Climbing up 10 Steps Without Resting was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  6. Current Smokers
  7. Currently Diagnosed with Asthma
  8. Developed Ulcers within the Last Year
  9. Diagnosed Hypertension
  10. Diagnosed with a Heart Disease 
  11. Diagnosed with Arthritis 
  12. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
  13. Diagnosed with Cancer
  14. Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
  15. Diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis
  16. Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease
  17. Diagnosed with Diabetes
  18. Diagnosed with Emphysema
  19. Diagnosed with Hay Fever
  20. Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
  21. Diagnosed with Liver Disease
  22. Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
  23. Diagnosed with Sinusitis
  24. Did Not Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  25. Everything was an Effort — All or Most of the Time This Year
  26. Everything was an Effort — Some of the Time This Year
  27. Experienced Face or Jaw Pain within the Last Year
  28. Experienced Hearing Trouble within the Last Year
  29. Experienced Hopelessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  30. Experienced Hopelessness — Some of the Time This Year
  31. Experienced Lower Back Pain within the Last Year
  32. Experienced Neck Pain within the Last Year
  33. Experienced Nervousness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  34. Experienced Nervousness — Some of the Time This Year
  35. Experienced Restlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  36. Experienced Restlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  37. Experienced Sadness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  38. Experienced Sadness — Some of the Time This Year
  39. Experienced Serious Psychological Distress within the Last Year
  40. Experienced Vision Trouble within the Last Year
  41. Experienced Worthlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  42. Experienced Worthlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  43. Former Infrequent Alcohol Drinker
  44. Former Regular Alcohol Drinker
  45. Former Smokers
  46. Grasping or Handling Small Objects was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  47. Had a Healthy Weight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  48. Had a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  49. Had an Obese Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  50. Had an Overweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  51. Had an Underweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  52. Has Never Been Tested for HIV
  53. Health Status This Year — Excellent or Very Good
  54. Health Status This Year — Fair or Poor
  55. Health Status This Year — Good
  56. Infrequently Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  57. Insufficiently Aerobically Active within the Last Year
  58. Last doctor visit — 6 months or less
  59. Last doctor visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  60. Last doctor visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  61. Last doctor visit — more than 5 years (excluding never)
  62. Last doctor visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  63. Last doctor visit — never
  64. Lifetime Alcohol Abstainer
  65. Lifting or Carrying 10 Pounds was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  66. Met Both Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  67. Met Full Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  68. Met Full Muscle-​Strengthening Guidelines within the Last Year
  69. Met Neither Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  70. Non-​smokers
  71. Office visits in the past 12 months — 1
  72. Office visits in the past 12 months — 10 or more
  73. Office visits in the past 12 months — 2 ‑3
  74. Office visits in the past 12 months — 4–9
  75. Office visits in the past 12 months — None
  76. Previously Diagnosed with Asthma
  77. Pushing or Pulling Large Objects was Diffucult or Could Not be Done This Year
  78. Reaching Overhead was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  79. Regularly Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  80. Sitting for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  81. Smokers Who Smoked Every Day This Year
  82. Smokers Who Smoked Some Days This Year
  83. Standing for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not Be Done This Year
  84. Stooping, Bending or Kneeling was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  85. Suffered a Stroke within the Last Year
  86. Suffered Migranes or Severe Headaches within the Last Year
  87. Used a Hospital Emergency Room within the Last Year
  88. Used a Hospital Outpatient Department within the Last Year
  89. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Clinic or Health Center
  90. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Doctor's Office or HMO
  91. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Other
  92. Walking a Quarter Mile was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  93. Was Tested for HIV within the Last Year
  94. All persons with a usual place of health care
  95. Child — Delayed Medical Care Due to Cost This Year
  96. Child — Had Unmet Medical Need This Year
  97. Child — Last health care professional visit — 6 months or less
  98. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  99. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  100. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 5 years
  101. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  102. Child — Prescription medication taken regularly for at least 3 months
  103. Child — Was Unisnured for Health Care This Year
  104. Child Aged 3 to 17 Diagnosed with a Learning Disability
  105. Child Aged 3 to 17 Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  106. Child Diagnosed with Respiratory Allergies
  107. Child In Excellent Health Overall Last Year
  108. Child In Fair or Poor Health Overall Last Year
  109. Child In Good Health Overall Last Year
  110. Child In Very Good Health Overall Last Year
  111. Child Who Didn't Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  112. Child Who has had Asthma
  113. Child Who was Diagnosed with Asthma
  114. Child Who was Diagnosed with Hay Fever
  115. Child Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Doctor's Office
  116. Children receiving special education or early intervention services
  117. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — None
  118. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — One
  119. Emergency room visits in past 12 months ‑Two or more
  120. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — None
  121. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — One
  122. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 ‑Two or more
  123. Food Allergies
  124. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 1–2 days
  125. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 11 or more days
  126. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 3–5 days
  127. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 6–10 days
  128. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — Did not go to school
  129. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — None
  130. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 1–2 days
  131. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 11 or more days
  132. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 3–5 days
  133. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 6–10 days
  134. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — Did not go to school
  135. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury) — None
  136. Skin Allergies
  137. Death from Alzheimer's disease
  138. Death from Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  139. Death from All Causes
  140. Death from Assault (homicide)
  141. Death from Cerebrovascular diseases
  142. Death from Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
  143. Death from Chronic lower respiratory diseases
  144. Death from Diabetes mellitus
  145. Death from Diseases of the heart
  146. Death from Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease
  147. Death from Influenza and pneumonia
  148. Death from Intentional self-​harm (suicide)
  149. Death from Malignant neoplasms
  150. Death from Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
  151. Death from Parksinson's disease
  152. Death from Septicemia


CONSUMER SPENDING for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level for geotargeting
  1. Health care expenses, Overall
  2. Health insurance
  3. Commercial health insurance
  4. Fee for service health plan (not BCBS)
  5. Blue Cross, Blue Shield
  6. Fee for service health plan (BCBS)
  7. Health maintenance organization (BCBS)
  8. Commercial medicare supplement (BCBS)
  9. Dental care insurance (BCBS)
  10. Vision care insurance (BCBS)
  11. Other single service insurance (BCBS)
  12. Prescription drug insurance (BCBS)
  13. Health maintenance organization (not BCBS)
  14. Medicare payments
  15. Medicare prescription drug premium
  16. Medicaid premiums
  17. Tricare/​military premiums
  18. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) premiums
  19. Commercial medicare supplements and other health insurance
  20. Commercial medicare supplement (not BCBS)
  21. Dental care insurance (not BCBS)
  22. Vision care insurance (not BCBS)
  23. Other single service insurance (not BCBS)
  24. Prescription drug insurance (not BCBS)
  25. Long term care insurance (not BCBS)
  26. Long term care insurance (BCBS)
  27. Medical services
  28. Physician's services
  29. Lab tests, x‑rays
  30. Medical supplies
  31. Hearing aids
  32. Topicals and dressings
  33. Supportive and convalescent medical equipment
CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Children living at home
  2. Occupation/​commute time
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Veterans
  6. Language Spoken
  7. All standard population breakdowns
  1. Hospitals ($000)
  2. Outpatient care centers ($000)
  3. Medical and diagnostic laboratories ($000)
CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  • Dentists and Orthodontists
EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Dental Procedure Patients
  2. Orthodontic Patients
  3. Potential Dentist Switchers
  4. Teeth Whitening Patients
  5. Health & Wellness Readers
  6. Health /​ Doctor Talk Listeners
  7. Health Fair /​ Expo Attendees
  8. Healthgrades​.com Users
  9. Parents of Children 6–9
  10. Parents of Pre-Teens
  11. RateMDs​.com Users
  12. Wellness​.com Users

PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Last dental visit — 6 months or less
  2. Last dental visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  3. Last dental visit — more than 2 years ago but not more than 5 years ago
  4. Last dental visit — more than 5 years ago (excluding never)
  5. Last dental visit — more than six months but not more than 1 year ago
  6. Last dental visit — never
  7. Lost all Natural Teeth
  8. Had Unmet Dental Need Due to Cost within the Last Year
  9. Child Aged 2 to 17 Who had Unmet Dental Need within the Last Year
  10. Child Aged 2 to 17 Whose Dental Need was Met within the Last Year
  11. Children 2 ‑17 years — less than 6 months since last dental visit
  12. Children 2 ‑17 years — more than 1 year but not more than 2 years since last dental visit
  13. Children 2 ‑17 years — more than 2 years but not more than 5 years ago since last dental visit
  14. Children 2 ‑17 years — more than 5 years since last dental visit
  15. Children 2 ‑17 years — more than 6 months but less than 1 year since last dental visit
  16. Current Smokers
  17. Former Smokers
  18. Non-​smokers


CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Children living at home
  2. Occupation/​commute time
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Veterans
  6. Language Spoken
  7. All standard population breakdowns

Gross Domestic Product
  • Offices of dentists ($000)
  • Dental laboratories ($000)
CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  1. Adult Day Care Centers
  2. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Centers
  3. Assisted Living Facilities
  4. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Facilities/​CBD Stores
  5. Continuing Care Communities
  6. Cosmetic Surgeons
  7. Dentists and Orthodontists
  8. Diet/​Weight Loss Centers
  9. Doctors
  10. Doctors, Allergists
  11. Doctors, Cardiologists
  12. Doctors, Chiropractors
  13. Doctors, Dermatologists
  14. Doctors, Ear Nose and Throat (ENT)
  15. Doctors, Endocrinologists
  16. Doctors, Gastroenterologists
  17. Doctors, Neurologists
  18. Doctors, Obstetrics and Gynecology
  19. Doctors, Oncologists
  20. Doctors, Orthopedic
  21. Doctors, Pediatricians
  22. Doctors, Podiatrists
  23. Doctors, Urologists
  24. Doctors, Vascular Surgeons
  25. Hormone Replacement Therapy Providers
  26. Independent Living Communities
  27. Kidney Dialysis Centers
  28. Marijuana/​Cannabis Dispensaries
  29. Medical Clinics
  30. Medical Spas
  31. Mental Health Professionals
  32. Nursing Care Facilities
  33. Ophthalmologists/​Eye Surgeons
  34. Pain Management Clinics
  35. Pharmaceutical Companies
  36. Residential Facilities for the Disabled
  37. Sleep Disorder Centers
  38. Urgent Care Centers
  39. Veterinarians
EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Addiction Treatment Patients
  2. Allergist Patients
  3. Anti-​vaxxers
  4. Better Sleep Seekers
  5. Diabetics
  6. Cancer (Oncology) Patients
  7. Cardiologist Patients
  8. CBD Product/​Oil Users or Buyers
  9. Dermatologist Patients
  10. Healthy Eating/​Weight Loss Seekers
  11. Elective Surgery Shoppers
  12. Kidney Dialysis/​Treatment Patients
  13. Neurology Patients
  14. CVS Customers
  15. Drug Store Customers (All)
  16. Independent Pharmacy Users
  17. Internet Pharmacy Users
  18. Pharma Ad Responders
  19. Mail Order Pharmacy Users
  20. National Drug Store Chain Pharmacy Users
  21. Pediatrician Patients
  22. Pharma Ad Responders
  23. Psychologic/​Counseling Service Patients (for you or a family member)
  24. Prescription Delivery Service Users
  25. Rite Aid Customers
  26. Routine Health Care Services Customers
  27. Smoking Cessation Seekers
  28. Supermarket Pharmacy Users
  29. Superstore or Warehouse Club Pharmacy Users
  30. Urgent Care Patients
  31. Urology Patients
  32. Walgreens Customers
  33. Advertising Increases Prescription Drug Price Believers
  34. Ethnic Festival Attendees
  35. Exercise Enthusiasts
  36. Family Starters
  37. Health & Wellness Readers
  38. Health /​ Doctor Talk Listeners
  39. Health Fair /​ Expo Attendees
  40. Healthgrades​.com Users
  41. Pet Owners
  42. WebMD Users
  43. Well TV viewers
  44. Wellness​.com Users
  45. Parents of Children 6–9
  46. Parents of Pre-Teens

PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
    1. Aerobic Guidelines Only — Sufficiently active (met guidelines)
    2. Aerobically Inactive within the Last Year
    3. Any Physical Activity was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    4. Began Experiencing Chronic Joint Symptoms within the Last Year
    5. Climbing up 10 Steps Without Resting was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    6. Current Smokers
    7. Currently Diagnosed with Asthma
    8. Developed Ulcers
    9. Diagnosed Hypertension
    10. Diagnosed with a Heart Disease
    11. Diagnosed with Arthritis
    12. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
    13. Diagnosed with Cancer
    14. Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
    15. Diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis
    16. Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease
    17. Diagnosed with Diabetes
    18. Diagnosed with Emphysema
    19. Diagnosed with Hay Fever
    20. Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
    21. Diagnosed with Liver Disease
    22. Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
    23. Diagnosed with Sinusitis
    24. Did Not Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
    25. Everything was an Effort — All or Most of the Time This Year
    26. Everything was an Effort — Some of the Time This Year
    27. Experienced Face or Jaw Pain within the Last Year
    28. Experienced Hearing Trouble within the Last Year
    29. Experienced Hopelessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
    30. Experienced Hopelessness — Some of the Time This Year
    31. Experienced Lower Back Pain within the Last Year
    32. Experienced Neck Pain within the Last Year
    33. Experienced Nervousness — All or Most of the Time This Year
    34. Experienced Nervousness — Some of the Time This Year
    35. Experienced Restlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
    36. Experienced Restlessness — Some of the Time This Year
    37. Experienced Sadness — All or Most of the Time This Year
    38. Experienced Sadness — Some of the Time This Year
    39. Experienced Serious Psychological Distress within the Last Year
    40. Experienced Vision Trouble within the Last Year
    41. Experienced Worthlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
    42. Experienced Worthlessness — Some of the Time This Year
    43. Former Infrequent Alcohol Drinker
    44. Former Regular Alcohol Drinker
    45. Former Smokers
    46. Grasping or Handling Small Objects was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    47. Had a Healthy Weight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
    48. Had a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
    49. Had an Obese Body Mass Index within the Last Year
    50. Had an Overweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
    51. Had an Underweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
    52. Had Unmet Dental Need Due to Cost within the Last Year
    53. Has Never Been Tested for HIV
    54. Health Status This Year — Excellent or Very Good
    55. Health Status This Year — Fair or Poor
    56. Health Status This Year — Good
    57. Infrequently Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
    58. Insufficiently Aerobically Active within the Last Year
    59. Last doctor visit — 6 months or less
    60. Last doctor visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
    61. Last doctor visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
    62. Last doctor visit — more than 5 years (excluding never)
    63. Last doctor visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
    64. Last doctor visit — never
    65. Lifetime Alcohol Abstainer
    66. Lifting or Carrying 10 Pounds was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    67. Met Both Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
    68. Met Full Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
    69. Met Full Muscle-​Strengthening Guidelines within the Last Year
    70. Met Neither Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
    71. Non-​smokers
    72. Office visits in the past 12 months — 1
    73. Office visits in the past 12 months — 10 or more
    74. Office visits in the past 12 months — 2 ‑3
    75. Office visits in the past 12 months — 4–9
    76. Office visits in the past 12 months — None
    77. Previously Diagnosed with Asthma
    78. Pushing or Pulling Large Objects was Diffucult or Could Not be Done This Year
    79. Reaching Overhead was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    80. Regularly Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
    81. Sitting for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    82. Smokers Who Smoked Every Day This Year
    83. Smokers Who Smoked Some Days This Year
    84. Standing for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not Be Done This Year
    85. Stooping, Bending or Kneeling was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    86. Suffered a Stroke within the Last Year
    87. Suffered Migranes or Severe Headaches within the Last Year
    88. Used a Hospital Emergency Room within the Last Year
    89. Used a Hospital Outpatient Department within the Last Year
    90. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Clinic or Health Center
    91. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Doctor's Office or HMO
    92. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Other
    93. Walking a Quarter Mile was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
    94. Was Tested for HIV within the Last Year
    95. All persons with a usual place of health care
    96. Child — Delayed Medical Care Due to Cost This Year
    97. Child — Had Unmet Medical Need This Year
    98. Child — Last health care professional visit — 6 months or less
    99. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
    100. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
    101. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 5 years
    102. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
    103. Child — Prescription medication taken regularly for at least 3 months
    104. Child — Was Unisnured for Health Care This Year
    105. Child Aged 3 to 17 Diagnosed with a Learning Disability
    106. Child Aged 3 to 17 Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
    107. Child Diagnosed with Respiratory Allergies
    108. Child In Excellent Health Overall Last Year
    109. Child In Fair or Poor Health Overall Last Year
    110. Child In Good Health Overall Last Year
    111. Child In Very Good Health Overall Last Year
    112. Child Who Didn't Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
    113. Child Who has had Asthma
    114. Child Who was Diagnosed with Asthma
    115. Child Who was Diagnosed with Hay Fever
    116. Child Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Doctor's Office
    117. Children receiving special education or early intervention services
    118. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — None
    119. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — One
    120. Emergency room visits in past 12 months ‑Two or more
    121. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — None
    122. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — One
    123. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 ‑Two or more
    124. Food Allergies
    125. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 1–2 days
    126. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 11 or more days
    127. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 3–5 days
    128. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 6–10 days
    129. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — Did not go to school
    130. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — None
    131. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 1–2 days
    132. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 11 or more days
    133. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 3–5 days
    134. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 6–10 days
    135. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — Did not go to school
    136. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury) — None
    137. Skin Allergies
    138. Death from Alzheimer's disease
    139. Death from Accidents (unintentional injuries)
    140. Death from All Causes
    141. Death from Assault (homicide)
    142. Death from Cerebrovascular diseases
    143. Death from Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
    144. Death from Chronic lower respiratory diseases
    145. Death from Diabetes mellitus
    146. Death from Diseases of the heart
    147. Death from Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease
    148. Death from Influenza and pneumonia
    149. Death from Intentional self-​harm (suicide)
    150. Death from Malignant neoplasms
    151. Death from Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
    152. Death from Parksinson's disease
    153. Death from Septicemia

CONSUMER SPENDING for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level for geotargeting
  1. Prescription drugs
  2. Nonprescription drugs
  3. Nonprescription vitamins
  4. Drugs, All
  5. Healthcare, Overall
  6. Health insurance, Overall
  7. Prescription drug insurance (BCBS)
  8. Prescription drug insurance (not BCBS)
CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Children living at home
  2. Occupation/​commute time
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Veterans
  6. Language Spoken
  7. All standard population breakdowns

Gross Domestic Product
  1. Hospitals
  2. Nursing and community care facilities
  3. Residential mental health, substance abuse, and other residential care facilities
  4. Offices of dentists
  5. Offices of physicians
  6. Veterinary services
  7. Offices of other health practitioners
  8. Outpatient care centers
CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  1. Assisted Living Facilities
  2. Continuing Care Communities
  3. Nursing Care Facilities
  4. Residential Facilities for the Disabled
  5. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Facilities/​CBD Stores
  6. Hearing Aid Centers
  7. Home Health Care Services
  8. Home Medical Equipment Services
  9. Hospice Services
  10. Kidney Dialysis Centers
  11. Marijuana/​Cannabis Dispensaries
  12. Medical Clinics
  13. Medical Spas
  14. Mental Health Professionals
  15. Nutritional Supplements Distributors
  16. Ophthalmologists/​Eye Surgeons
  17. Optical Stores/​Optometrists
  18. Orthotics and Prosthetics Service Providers
  19. Pain Management Clinics
  20. Physical/​Occupational Therapists
  21. Sleep Disorder Centers
  22. Therapy Rehabilitation Centers
  23. Urgent Care Centers


EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Acupuncture Patients
  2. Addiction Treatment Patients
  3. Allergist Patients
  4. Botox /​ Collagen /​ Injectable Filler Clients
  5. Cancer (Oncology) Patients
  6. Cardiologist Patients
  7. Chiropractic Patients
  8. Chronic Pain Sufferers
  9. Concierge Medical Service Users
  10. Cosmetic Surgery Patients (Invasive)
  11. Cosmetic Surgery Patients (Non-​Invasive)
  12. Cryotherapy Users
  13. Dental Procedure Patients
  14. Dermatologist Patients
  15. Diabetics
  16. Diet /​ Weight Loss Services Shoppers
  17. Diet/​Weight Loss Counseling Patients
  18. Eldercare /​ Nursing Home Shoppers
  19. Elective Surgery Shoppers
  20. Eyecare Patients
  21. Fitness Club /​ Gym Members
  22. Hearing Aid Shoppers
  23. Home Medical Service Users
  24. Kidney Dialysis/​Treatment Patients
  25. Neurology Patients
  26. Orthodontic Patients
  27. Orthopedic Patients
  28. Pediatrician Patients
  29. Physical Therapy Patients
  30. Podiatrist Patients
  31. Potential Dentist Switchers
  32. Potential Doctor Switchers
  33. Potential Eye Doctor /​ Optometrist Switchers
  34. Potential Health Insurance Switchers
  35. Potential Pediatrician Switchers
  36. Prescription Delivery Service Users
  37. Prescription Eyeglass /​ Sunglass Shoppers
  38. Psychologic/​Counseling Service Patients (for you or a family member)
  39. Routine Health Care Services Customers
  40. Telehealth Users
  41. Urgent Care Patients
  42. Urology Patients
  43. Veterinary Patients (for my pet)
  44. Advertising Increases Prescription Drug Price Believers
  45. Anti-​vaxxers
  46. Better Sleep Seekers
  47. Caregiver for Elderly/​Disabled Family Member
  48. CBD Product/​Oil Users or Buyers
  49. CVS Customers
  50. Ethnic Festival Attendees
  51. Exercise Enthusiasts
  52. Fitness Tracker Shoppers
  53. Fitness Trackers
  54. Food Allergy Sufferers
  55. GNC Customers
  56. Gluten-​free Adults
  57. Hair Extension /​ Wig Shoppers
  58. Health & Wellness Readers
  59. Health /​ Doctor Talk Listeners
  60. Health Fair /​ Expo Attendees
  61. Health+Disease Charity Supporters (non-​Cancer)
  62. Health Insurance Buyers
  63. Health Savings Account Payers
  64. Healthgrades​.com Users
  65. Healthy /​ Organic Shoppers
  66. Healthy Eating/​Weight Loss Seekers
  67. Independent Pharmacy Users
  68. Internet Pharmacy Users
  69. In-​Store Medical Clinic Users
  70. Keto Diet Followers
  71. Mail Order Pharmacy Users
  72. National Drug Store Chain Pharmacy Users
  73. Pet Owners
  74. Pet Health Insurance Buyers
  75. Pharma Ad Responders
  76. Physically Active Adults
  77. RateMDs​.com Users
  78. Relationship /​ Psychiatric Talk Listeners
  79. Rite Aid Customers
  80. Smoking Cessation Seekers
  81. Supermarket Pharmacy Users
  82. Superstore or Warehouse Club Pharmacy Users
  83. Tobacco Smokers
  84. Vegetarians /​ Vegans
  85. Vitamin/​Nutritional Supplement Users
  86. Walgreens Customers
  87. Walmart Customers
  88. WebMD Users
  89. Well TV viewers
  90. Wellness​.com Users


PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Aerobic Guidelines Only — Sufficiently active (met guidelines)
  2. Aerobically Inactive within the Last Year
  3. Any Physical Activity was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  4. Began Experiencing Chronic Joint Symptoms within the Last Year
  5. Climbing up 10 Steps Without Resting was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  6. Current Smokers
  7. Currently Diagnosed with Asthma
  8. Developed Ulcers within the Last Year
  9. Diagnosed Hypertension
  10. Diagnosed with a Heart Disease
  11. Diagnosed with Arthritis
  12. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
  13. Diagnosed with Cancer
  14. Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
  15. Diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis
  16. Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease
  17. Diagnosed with Diabetes
  18. Diagnosed with Emphysema
  19. Diagnosed with Hay Fever
  20. Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
  21. Diagnosed with Liver Disease
  22. Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
  23. Diagnosed with Sinusitis
  24. Did Not Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  25. Did Not Have Unmet Dental Need Due to Cost within the Last Year
  26. Everything was an Effort — All or Most of the Time This Year
  27. Everything was an Effort — Some of the Time This Year
  28. Experienced Face or Jaw Pain within the Last Year
  29. Experienced Hearing Trouble within the Last Year
  30. Experienced Hopelessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  31. Experienced Hopelessness — Some of the Time This Year
  32. Experienced Lower Back Pain within the Last Year
  33. Experienced Neck Pain within the Last Year
  34. Experienced Nervousness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  35. Experienced Nervousness — Some of the Time This Year
  36. Experienced Restlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  37. Experienced Restlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  38. Experienced Sadness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  39. Experienced Sadness — Some of the Time This Year
  40. Experienced Serious Psychological Distress within the Last Year
  41. Experienced Vision Trouble within the Last Year
  42. Experienced Worthlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  43. Experienced Worthlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  44. Food Allergies
  45. Former Infrequent Alcohol Drinker
  46. Former Regular Alcohol Drinker
  47. Former Smokers
  48. Grasping or Handling Small Objects was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  49. Had a Healthy Weight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  50. Had a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  51. Had an Obese Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  52. Had an Overweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  53. Had an Underweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  54. Had Unmet Dental Need Due to Cost within the Last Year
  55. Has Never Been Tested for HIV
  56. Health Status This Year — Excellent or Very Good
  57. Health Status This Year — Fair or Poor
  58. Health Status This Year — Good
  59. Infrequently Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  60. Insufficiently Aerobically Active within the Last Year
  61. Last dental visit — 6 months or less
  62. Last dental visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  63. Last dental visit — more than 2 years ago but not more than 5 years ago
  64. Last dental visit — more than 5 years ago (excluding never)
  65. Last dental visit — more than six months but not more than 1 year ago
  66. Last dental visit — never
  67. Last doctor visit — 6 months or less
  68. Last doctor visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  69. Last doctor visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  70. Last doctor visit — more than 5 years (excluding never)
  71. Last doctor visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  72. Last doctor visit — never
  73. Lifetime Alcohol Abstainer
  74. Lifting or Carrying 10 Pounds was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  75. Lost all Natural Teeth
  76. Met Both Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  77. Met Full Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  78. Met Full Muscle-​Strengthening Guidelines within the Last Year
  79. Met Neither Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  80. Non-​smokers
  81. Office visits in the past 12 months — 1
  82. Office visits in the past 12 months — 10 or more
  83. Office visits in the past 12 months — 2 ‑3
  84. Office visits in the past 12 months — 4–9
  85. Office visits in the past 12 months — None
  86. Previously Diagnosed with Asthma
  87. Pushing or Pulling Large Objects was Diffucult or Could Not be Done This Year
  88. Reaching Overhead was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  89. Regularly Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  90. Sitting for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  91. Skin Allergies
  92. Smokers Who Smoked Every Day This Year
  93. Smokers Who Smoked Some Days This Year
  94. Standing for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not Be Done This Year
  95. Stooping, Bending or Kneeling was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  96. Suffered a Stroke
  97. Suffered Migranes or Severe Headaches
  98. Used a Hospital Emergency Room within the Last Year
  99. Used a Hospital Outpatient Department within the Last Year
  100. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Clinic or Health Center
  101. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Doctor's Office or HMO
  102. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Other
  103. Walking a Quarter Mile was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  104. Was Tested for HIV
  105. Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Clinic
  106. Death form Alzheimer's disease
  107. Death from Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  108. Death from All Causes
  109. Death from Assault (homicide)
  110. Death from Cerebrovascular diseases
  111. Death from Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
  112. Death from Chronic lower respiratory diseases
  113. Death from Diabetes mellitus
  114. Death from Diseases of the heart
  115. Death from Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease
  116. Death from Influenza and pneumonia
  117. Death from Intentional self-​harm (suicide)
  118. Death from Malignant neoplasms
  119. Death from Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
  120. Death from Parksinson's disease
  121. Death from Septicemia
  122. All persons with a usual place of health care


CONSUMER SPENDING for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level for geotargeting
  1. Healthcare
  2. Health insurance
  3. Fee for service health plan (not BCBS)
  4. Blue Cross, Blue Shield
  5. Fee for service health plan (BCBS)
  6. Health maintenance organization (BCBS)
  7. Commercial medicare supplement (BCBS)
  8. Dental care insurance (BCBS)
  9. Vision care insurance (BCBS)
  10. Other single service insurance (BCBS)
  11. Prescription drug insurance (BCBS)
  12. Health maintenance organization (not BCBS)
  13. Medicare payments
  14. Medicare prescription drug premium
  15. Medicaid premiums
  16. Tricare/​military premiums
  17. Dental care insurance (not BCBS)
  18. Vision care insurance (not BCBS)
  19. Other single service insurance (not BCBS)
  20. Prescription drug insurance (not BCBS)
  21. Long term care insurance (not BCBS)
  22. Long term care insurance (BCBS)
  23. Medical services
  24. Physician's services
  25. Dental services
  26. Eyecare services
  27. Non physician services inside home
  28. Non physician services outside home
  29. Lab tests, x‑rays
  30. Hospital room and services
  31. Care in convalescent or nursing home
  32. Other medical care services
  33. Drugs
  34. Nonprescription drugs
  35. Nonprescription vitamins
  36. Prescription drugs
  37. Medical supplies
  38. Eyeglasses and contact lenses
  39. Hearing aids
  40. Topicals and dressings
  41. Adult diapers
  42. Medical equipment for general use
  43. Supportive and convalescent medical equipment
  44. Rental of medical equipment
  45. Rental of supportive, convalescent medical equipment
  46. Recreation expenses, out-​of-​town trips
  47. Social, recreation, health club membership
  48. Pet food
  49. Pet purchase, supplies, medicine
  50. Vet services
CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Ethnicity
  2. Quality of Life
  3. Veterans
  4. Language Spoken
  5. All standard population breakdowns
Gross Domestic Product
  1. Nursing and community care facilities ($000)
  2. Residential mental health, substance abuse, and other residential care facilities ($000)
  3. Home health care services ($000)
  4. Other ambulatory health care services ($000)
CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  1. Home Health Care Services
  2. Home Medical Equipment Services
  3. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Facilities/​CBD Stores
  4. Marijuana/​Cannabis Dispensaries
  5. Physical/​Occupational Therapists


EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Acupuncture Patients
  2. Allergist Patients
  3. Cancer (Oncology) Patients
  4. Cardiologist Patients
  5. Chiropractic Patients
  6. Chronic Pain Sufferers
  7. Concierge Medical Service Users
  8. Diabetics
  9. Eyecare Patients
  10. Hearing Aid Shoppers
  11. Home Medical Service Users
  12. Kidney Dialysis/​Treatment Patients
  13. Neurology Patients
  14. Orthopedic Patients
  15. Physical Therapy Patients
  16. Podiatrist Patients
  17. Potential Health Insurance Switchers
  18. Prescription Delivery Service Users
  19. Prescription Eyeglass /​ Sunglass Shoppers
  20. Psychologic/​Counseling Service Patients (for you or a family member)
  21. Routine Health Care Services Customers
  22. Telehealth Users
  23. Urology Patients
  24. Advertising Increases Prescription Drug Price Believers
  25. Anti-​vaxxers
  26. Better Sleep Seekers
  27. Caregiver for Elderly/​Disabled Family Member
  28. CBD Product/​Oil Users or Buyers
  29. CVS Customers
  30. Ethnic Festival Attendees
  31. Exercise Enthusiasts
  32. Fitness Tracker Shoppers
  33. Fitness Trackers
  34. Food Allergy Sufferers
  35. GNC Customers
  36. Gluten-​free Adults
  37. Hair Extension /​ Wig Shoppers
  38. Health & Wellness Readers
  39. Health /​ Doctor Talk Listeners
  40. Health Fair /​ Expo Attendees
  41. Health+Disease Charity Supporters (non-​Cancer)
  42. Health Insurance Buyers
  43. Healthgrades​.com Users
  44. Healthy /​ Organic Shoppers
  45. Healthy Eating/​Weight Loss Seekers
  46. Independent Pharmacy Users
  47. Internet Pharmacy Users
  48. In-​Store Medical Clinic Users
  49. Keto Diet Followers
  50. Mail Order Pharmacy Users
  51. National Drug Store Chain Pharmacy Users
  52. Pharma Ad Responders
  53. Physically Active Adults
  54. RateMDs​.com Users
  55. Relationship /​ Psychiatric Talk Listeners
  56. Rite Aid Customers
  57. Smoking Cessation Seekers
  58. Supermarket Pharmacy Users
  59. Superstore or Warehouse Club Pharmacy Users
  60. Tobacco Smokers
  61. Vegetarians /​ Vegans
  62. Vitamin/​Nutritional Supplement Users
  63. Walgreens Customers
  64. Walmart Customers
  65. WebMD Users
  66. Well TV viewers
  67. Wellness​.com Users


PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Aerobic Guidelines Only — Sufficiently active (met guidelines)
  2. Aerobically Inactive within the Last Year
  3. Any Physical Activity was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  4. Began Experiencing Chronic Joint Symptoms within the Last Year
  5. Climbing up 10 Steps Without Resting was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  6. Current Smokers
  7. Currently Diagnosed with Asthma
  8. Developed Ulcers
  9. Diagnosed Hypertension
  10. Diagnosed with a Heart Disease
  11. Diagnosed with Arthritis
  12. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
  13. Diagnosed with Cancer
  14. Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer
  15. Diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis
  16. Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease
  17. Diagnosed with Diabetes
  18. Diagnosed with Emphysema
  19. Diagnosed with Hay Fever
  20. Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
  21. Diagnosed with Liver Disease
  22. Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
  23. Diagnosed with Sinusitis
  24. Did Not Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  25. Did Not Have Unmet Dental Need Due to Cost within the Last Year
  26. Everything was an Effort — All or Most of the Time This Year
  27. Everything was an Effort — Some of the Time This Year
  28. Experienced Face or Jaw Pain within the Last Year
  29. Experienced Hearing Trouble within the Last Year
  30. Experienced Hopelessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  31. Experienced Hopelessness — Some of the Time This Year
  32. Experienced Lower Back Pain within the Last Year
  33. Experienced Neck Pain within the Last Year
  34. Experienced Nervousness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  35. Experienced Nervousness — Some of the Time This Year
  36. Experienced Restlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  37. Experienced Restlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  38. Experienced Sadness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  39. Experienced Sadness — Some of the Time This Year
  40. Experienced Serious Psychological Distress within the Last Year
  41. Experienced Vision Trouble within the Last Year
  42. Experienced Worthlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  43. Experienced Worthlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  44. Food Allergies
  45. Former Infrequent Alcohol Drinker
  46. Former Regular Alcohol Drinker
  47. Former Smokers
  48. Grasping or Handling Small Objects was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  49. Had a Healthy Weight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  50. Had a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  51. Had an Obese Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  52. Had an Overweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  53. Had an Underweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  54. Had Unmet Dental Need Due to Cost within the Last Year
  55. Has Never Been Tested for HIV
  56. Health Status This Year — Excellent or Very Good
  57. Health Status This Year — Fair or Poor
  58. Health Status This Year — Good
  59. Infrequently Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  60. Insufficiently Aerobically Active within the Last Year
  61. Last dental visit — 6 months or less
  62. Last dental visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  63. Last dental visit — more than 2 years ago but not more than 5 years ago
  64. Last dental visit — more than 5 years ago (excluding never)
  65. Last dental visit — more than six months but not more than 1 year ago
  66. Last dental visit — never
  67. Last doctor visit — 6 months or less
  68. Last doctor visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  69. Last doctor visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  70. Last doctor visit — more than 5 years (excluding never)
  71. Last doctor visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  72. Last doctor visit — never
  73. Lifetime Alcohol Abstainer
  74. Lifting or Carrying 10 Pounds was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  75. Lost all Natural Teeth
  76. Met Both Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  77. Met Full Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  78. Met Full Muscle-​Strengthening Guidelines within the Last Year
  79. Met Neither Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  80. Non-​smokers
  81. Office visits in the past 12 months — 1
  82. Office visits in the past 12 months — 10 or more
  83. Office visits in the past 12 months — 2 ‑3
  84. Office visits in the past 12 months — 4–9
  85. Office visits in the past 12 months — None
  86. Previously Diagnosed with Asthma
  87. Pushing or Pulling Large Objects was Diffucult or Could Not be Done This Year
  88. Reaching Overhead was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  89. Regularly Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  90. Sitting for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  91. Skin Allergies
  92. Smokers Who Smoked Every Day This Year
  93. Smokers Who Smoked Some Days This Year
  94. Standing for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not Be Done This Year
  95. Stooping, Bending or Kneeling was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  96. Suffered a Stroke
  97. Suffered Migranes or Severe Headaches
  98. Used a Hospital Emergency Room within the Last Year
  99. Used a Hospital Outpatient Department within the Last Year
  100. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Clinic or Health Center
  101. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Doctor's Office or HMO
  102. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Other
  103. Walking a Quarter Mile was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  104. Was Tested for HIV
  105. Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Clinic
  106. Death form Alzheimer's disease
  107. Death from Accidents (unintentional injuries)
  108. Death from All Causes
  109. Death from Assault (homicide)
  110. Death from Cerebrovascular diseases
  111. Death from Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
  112. Death from Chronic lower respiratory diseases
  113. Death from Diabetes mellitus
  114. Death from Diseases of the heart
  115. Death from Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease
  116. Death from Influenza and pneumonia
  117. Death from Intentional self-​harm (suicide)
  118. Death from Malignant neoplasms
  119. Death from Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis
  120. Death from Parksinson's disease
  121. Death from Septicemia
  122. All persons with a usual place of health care


CONSUMER SPENDING for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level for geotargeting
  1. Healthcare, Overall
  2. Medical services, Overall
  3. Health insurance, Overall
  4. Non physician services inside home
  5. Medical equipment for general use
  6. Supportive and convalescent medical equipment
  7. Rental of medical equipment
  8. Rental of supportive, convalescent medical equipment
  9. Fee for service health plan (not BCBS)
  10. Blue Cross, Blue Shield
  11. Fee for service health plan (BCBS)
  12. Dental care insurance (BCBS)
  13. Vision care insurance (BCBS)
  14. Other single service insurance (BCBS)
  15. Prescription drug insurance (BCBS)
  16. Medicare payments
  17. Medicare prescription drug premium
  18. Medicaid premiums
  19. Tricare/​military premiums
  20. Dental care insurance (not BCBS)
  21. Vision care insurance (not BCBS)
  22. Other single service insurance (not BCBS)
  23. Prescription drug insurance (not BCBS)
  24. Long term care insurance (not BCBS)
  25. Long term care insurance (BCBS)
  26. Physician's services
  27. Dental services
  28. Eyecare services
  29. Non physician services outside home
  30. Lab tests, x‑rays
  31. Other medical care services
  32. Drugs
  33. Nonprescription drugs
  34. Nonprescription vitamins
  35. Prescription drugs
  36. Adult diapers
  37. Medical supplies
  38. Eyeglasses and contact lenses
  39. Hearing aids
  40. Topicals and dressings
CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Children living at home
  2. Occupation/​commute time
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Veterans
  6. Language Spoken
  7. All standard population breakdowns
Gross Domestic Product
  1. Home health care services ($000)
  2. Other ambulatory health care services ($000)
CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  1. Doctors, All
  2. Doctors, Orthopedic
  3. Nutritional Supplements Distributors
  4. Pain Management Clinics
  5. Pharmaceutical Companies
  6. Physical/​Occupational Therapists
  7. Therapy Rehabilitation Centers
EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Aerobics/​Pilates Participants
  2. Baseball Players
  3. Basketball Players
  4. Bicyclists
  5. Bowlers
  6. CBD Product/​Oil Users or Buyers
  7. Crossfitters
  8. Exercise Enthusiasts
  9. Fitness Club /​ Gym Members
  10. Fitness Trackers
  11. Football Players
  12. Golfers
  13. Health & Wellness Readers
  14. Health /​ Doctor Talk Listeners
  15. Health Fair /​ Expo Attendees
  16. Health+Disease Charity Supporters (non-​Cancer)
  17. Healthgrades​.com Users
  18. Hockey Players
  19. Home fitness class participants
  20. Martial Artists
  21. Parents of Pre-Teens
  22. Parents of Teens
  23. Physically Active Adults
  24. Pickleball Players
  25. RateMDs​.com Users
  26. Rock Climbers
  27. Runners
  28. Skateboarders
  29. Skiers/​Snowboarders
  30. Soccer Players
  31. Softball Players
  32. Tennis Players
  33. Vitamin/​Nutritional Supplement Users
  34. Yoga Enthusiasts
  35. WebMD Users
  36. Weightlifters
  37. Well TV viewers
  38. Wellness​.com Users
PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Experienced Lower Back Pain within the Last Year
  2. Experienced Neck Pain within the Last Year
  3. Pushing or Pulling Large Objects was Diffucult or Could Not be Done This Year
  4. Reaching Overhead was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  5. Standing for 2 Hours was Difficult or Could Not Be Done This Year
  6. Suffered Migranes or Severe Headaches within the Last Year
  7. Walking a Quarter Mile was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  8. Aerobic Guidelines Only — Sufficiently active (met guidelines)
  9. Aerobically Inactive within the Last Year
  10. Met Both Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  11. Met Full Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  12. Met Full Muscle-​Strengthening Guidelines within the Last Year
  13. Met Neither Muscle-​Strengthening and Aerobic Guidelines within the Last Year
  14. Office visits in the past 12 months — 1
  15. Office visits in the past 12 months — 10 or more
  16. Office visits in the past 12 months — 2 ‑3
  17. Office visits in the past 12 months — 4–9
  18. Office visits in the past 12 months — None
  19. Any Physical Activity was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  20. Began Experiencing Chronic Joint Symptoms within the Last Year
  21. Climbing up 10 Steps Without Resting was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  22. Currently Diagnosed with Asthma
  23. Diagnosed with a Heart Disease
  24. Diagnosed with Arthritis
  25. Diagnosed with Chronic Bronchitis
  26. Diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease
  27. Diagnosed with Hypertension
  28. Did Not Have a Usual Place of Health Care
  29. Food Allergies
  30. Had a Healthy Weight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  31. Had a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  32. Had an Obese Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  33. Had an Overweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  34. Had an Underweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  35. Health Status This Year — Excellent or Very Good
  36. Health Status This Year — Fair or Poor
  37. Health Status This Year — Good
  38. Insufficiently Aerobically Active within the Last Year
  39. Last doctor visit — 6 months or less
  40. Last doctor visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  41. Last doctor visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  42. Last doctor visit — more than 5 years (excluding never)
  43. Last doctor visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  44. Last doctor visit — never
  45. Used a Hospital Emergency Room within the Last Year
  46. Used a Hospital Outpatient Department within the Last Year
  47. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Clinic or Health Center
  48. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Doctor's Office or HMO
  49. Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year — Other
  50. All persons with a usual place of health care
  51. Child — Delayed Medical Care Due to Cost This Year
  52. Child — Had Unmet Medical Need This Year
  53. Child — Last health care professional visit — 6 months or less
  54. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago
  55. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 2 years, but less than 5 years ago
  56. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than 5 years
  57. Child — Last health care professional visit — more than six months but less than 1 year
  58. Child — Was Uninsured for Health Care This Year
  59. Child Diagnosed with Respiratory Allergies
  60. Child In Excellent Health Overall Last Year
  61. Child In Fair or Poor Health Overall Last Year
  62. Child In Good Health Overall Last Year
  63. Child In Very Good Health Overall Last Year
  64. Child Who Didn't Have a Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year
  65. Child Who has had Asthma
  66. Child Who was Diagnosed with Asthma
  67. Child Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Doctor's Office
  68. Child Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Hospital Outpatient
  69. Child Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was an Emergency Room
  70. Child Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was Other
  71. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — None
  72. Emergency room visits in past 12 months — One
  73. Emergency room visits in past 12 months ‑Two or more
  74. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — None
  75. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 — One
  76. Emergency room visits in past 12 months for children under 18 ‑Two or more
  77. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 1–2 days
  78. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 11 or more days
  79. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 3–5 days
  80. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — 6–10 days
  81. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — Did not go to school
  82. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury (aged 5–17) — None
  83. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 1–2 days
  84. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 11 or more days
  85. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 3–5 days
  86. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — 6–10 days
  87. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury — Did not go to school
  88. Number School Days missed in past 12 months due to illness or injury) — None
  89. Skin Allergies
  90. Whose Usual Place of Health Care within the Last Year was a Clinic
CONSUMER SPENDING for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level for geotargeting
  1. Health care expenses, Overall
  2. Medical services
  3. Physician's services
  4. Dental services
  5. Eyecare services
  6. Non physician services inside home
  7. Non physician services outside home
  8. Other medical care services
  9. Lab tests, x‑rays
  10. Health insurance
  11. Fee for service health plan (BCBS)
  12. Dental care insurance (BCBS)
  13. Vision care insurance (BCBS)
  14. Tricare/​military premiums
  15. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) premiums
  16. Dental care insurance (not BCBS)
  17. Vision care insurance (not BCBS)
  18. Other single service insurance (not BCBS)
  19. Drugs
  20. Nonprescription drugs
  21. Nonprescription vitamins
  22. Prescription drugs
  23. Medical supplies
  24. Eyeglasses and contact lenses
  25. Rental of medical equipment
  26. Recreation expenses, out-​of-​town trips
  27. Social, recreation, health club membership
  28. Sports drinks
  29. Fees for participant sports
  30. Fees for recreational lessons
  31. Participant sports, out-​of-​town trips
  32. Recreation expenses, out-​of-​town trips
  33. Athletic gear, game tables, and exercise equipment
  34. Bicycles
  35. Motorized recreational vehicles
  36. Water sports equipment
  37. Winter sports equipment
  38. Other sports equipment
CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Children living at home
  2. Occupation/​commute time
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Veterans
  6. Language Spoken
  7. All standard population breakdowns
Gross Domestic Product
  1. Hospitals ($000)
  2. Offices of physicians ($000)
  3. Offices of other health practitioners ($000)
  4. Outpatient care centers ($000)
  5. Medical and diagnostic laboratories ($000)
  6. Other ambulatory health care services ($000)
CATEGORY TRENDS AND ANALYSIS using proprietary, licensed and human-​verified secondary research
  1. Diet/​Weight Loss Centers
  2. Doctors, All
  3. Marijuana/​Cannabis Dispensaries
  4. Medical Spas
  5. Nutritional Supplements Distributors
  6. Weight Loss Surgery Centers


EXCLUSIVE AUDIENCESCAN® INTELLIGENCE for advertising, digital marketing and content marketing
  1. Bottled Water Drinkers
  2. Diabetics
  3. Diet/​Weight Loss Counseling Patients
  4. Diet /​ Weight Loss Services Shoppers
  5. Food Allergy Sufferers
  6. Gluten-​free Adults
  7. Healthy /​ Organic Shoppers
  8. Healthy Eating/​Weight Loss Seekers
  9. Keto Diet Followers
  10. Sports Drink Consumers
  11. Vegetarians /​ Vegans
  12. Vitamin/​Nutritional Supplement Users
  13. Bakers
  14. Beer Drinkers
  15. Bakery /​ Donut Shop Customers
  16. Bar /​ Tavern /​ Pub Customers
  17. Better Sleep Seekers
  18. CBD Product/​Oil Users or Buyers
  19. Cocktail /​ Liquor Drinkers
  20. Coffee Drinkers
  21. Diabetics
  22. Energy Drink Consumers
  23. Ethnic Festival Attendees
  24. Exercise Enthusiasts
  25. Family Starters
  26. Fitness Club /​ Gym Members
  27. Food Truck Customers
  28. GNC Customers
  29. Health & Wellness Readers
  30. Health /​ Doctor Talk Listeners
  31. Health Fair /​ Expo Attendees
  32. Hot Tea Drinkers
  33. Iced Tea Drinkers
  34. Milk Drinkers
  35. Parents of Children 6–9
  36. Parents of Newborns /​ Toddlers
  37. Parents of Pre-Teens
  38. Parents of Teens
  39. Pharma Ad Responders
  40. Physically Active Adults
  41. Physically Attractive Adults
  42. Restaurant or Take Out Customers
  43. Smoking Cessation Seekers
  44. Smoothie /​ Fruit Juice Drinkers
  45. Soft Drink Consumers
  46. Super Bowl Party Hosts /​ Attendees
  47. Tailgaters
  48. Tobacco Smokers
  49. Wine Drinkers

CLIENT DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Aerobic Guidelines Only — Sufficiently active (met guidelines)
  2. Aerobically Inactive within the Last Year
  3. Any Physical Activity was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  4. Climbing up 10 Steps Without Resting was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  5. Current Smokers
  6. Currently Diagnosed with Asthma
  7. Developed Ulcers
  8. Diagnosed with Hypertension
  9. Diagnosed with a Heart Disease
  10. Diagnosed with Diabetes
  11. Diagnosed with Kidney Disease
  12. Diagnosed with Liver Disease
  13. Experienced Nervousness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  14. Experienced Nervousness — Some of the Time This Year
  15. Experienced Restlessness — All or Most of the Time This Year
  16. Experienced Restlessness — Some of the Time This Year
  17. Former Infrequent Alcohol Drinker
  18. Former Regular Alcohol Drinker
  19. Former Smokers
  20. Had a Healthy Weight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  21. Had an Obese Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  22. Had an Overweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  23. Had an Underweight Body Mass Index within the Last Year
  24. Health Status This Year — Excellent or Very Good
  25. Health Status This Year — Fair or Poor
  26. Health Status This Year — Good
  27. Infrequently Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  28. Insufficiently Aerobically Active within the Last Year
  29. Lifetime Alcohol Abstainer
  30. Non-​smokers
  31. Regularly Drank Alcoholic Beverages within the Last Year
  32. Smokers Who Smoked Every Day This Year
  33. Smokers Who Smoked Some Days This Year
  34. Walking a Quarter Mile was Difficult or Could Not be Done This Year
  35. Child In Excellent Health Overall Last Year
  36. Child In Fair or Poor Health Overall Last Year
  37. Child In Good Health Overall Last Year
  38. Child In Very Good Health Overall Last Year
  39. Food Allergies


CONSUMER SPENDING for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level for geotargeting
  1. Food at home
  2. Cereals and cereal productsFlour
  3. Prepared Flour Mixes
  4. Ready to eat and cooked cereal
  5. Rice
  6. Pasta, cornmeal and other cereal products
  7. Bakery products
  8. Bread
  9. Crackers and cookies
  10. Frozen and refrigerated bakery products
  11. Other bakery products
  12. Biscuits and rolls
  13. Cakes and cupcakes
  14. Bread and cracker products
  15. Sweet rolls, coffee cakes, doughnuts
  16. Pies, tarts, turnovers
  17. Beef
  18. Ground Beef
  19. Roast
  20. Steak
  21. Other beef
  22. Pork
  23. Bacon
  24. Ham
  25. Pork Chops
  26. Sausage
  27. Other pork
  28. Frankfurters
  29. Lunch meats (cold cuts)
  30. Lamb, organ meats and others
  31. Poultry
  32. Fresh and frozen chickens
  33. Other poultry
  34. Fish and seafood
  35. Canned fish and seafood
  36. Fresh fish and shellfish
  37. Frozen fish and shellfish
  38. Eggs
  39. Dairy products
  40. Fresh Milk, all types
  41. Cream
  42. Butter
  43. Cheese
  44. Ice Cream and related products
  45. Misc. Dairy products
  46. Fruits and vegetables
  47. Fresh Fruits
  48. Apples
  49. Bananas
  50. Oranges
  51. Citrus Fruits, excluding oranges
  52. Other fresh fruits
  53. Fresh Vegetables
  54. Potatoes
  55. Lettuce
  56. Tomatoes
  57. Other fresh vegetables
  58. Processed fruits
  59. Canned fruits
  60. Frozen fruits and fruit juices
  61. Fresh fruit juice
  62. Canned and bottled fruit juice
  63. Dried Fruit
  64. Processed vegetables
  65. Frozen vegetables
  66. Canned and dried vegetables and juices
  67. Sugar
  68. Artificial sweeteners
  69. Jams and other sweets
  70. Candy and chewing gum
  71. Margarine
  72. Fats and oils, etc.
  73. Salad dressing
  74. Nondairy cream and imitation milk
  75. Peanut butter
  76. Frozen prepared foods
  77. Canned and packaged soups
  78. Other canned and packaged prepared foods
  79. Prepared salads
  80. Prepared desserts
  81. Potato chips, nuts, and other snacks
  82. Condiments and seasonings
  83. Nonalcoholic beverages
  84. Bottled water
  85. Cola
  86. Other carbonated drinks
  87. Coffee
  88. Noncarbonated fruit flavored drinks
  89. Tea
  90. Sports drinks
  91. Nonalcoholic beer
  92. Food prepared by consumer unit on out-​of-​town trips
  93. Food away from home
  94. Meals at restaurants, carry-​out and others
  95. Breakfast and brunch
  96. Breakfast and brunch at fast food, take-​out, delivery
  97. Breakfast and brunch at full service restaurants
  98. Breakfast and brunch at vend machines and mobile vendors
  99. Breakfast and brunch at employer and school cafeterias
  100. Lunch
  101. Lunch at fast food, take-​out, delivery
  102. Lunch at full service restaurants
  103. Lunch at vend machines and mobile vendors
  104. Lunch at employer and school cafeterias
  105. Dinner
  106. Dinner at fast food, take-​out, delivery
  107. Dinner at full service restaurants
  108. Dinner at vend machines and mobile vendors
  109. Dinner at employer and school cafeterias
  110. Snacks
  111. Snacks at fast food, take-​out, delivery
  112. Snacks at full service restaurants
  113. Snacks at vend machines and mobile vendors
  114. Snacks at employer and school cafeterias
  115. Food on out-​of-​town trips
  116. Meals as pay
  117. Alcoholic beverages
  118. At home-​alcoholic beverages
  119. Beer and ale
  120. Whiskey
  121. Wine
  122. Other alcoholic beverages (at home)
  123. Away from home (alcoholic beverages)
  124. Beer and ale away
  125. Wine away
  126. Alcoholic beverages purchased on trips
  127. Other alcoholic beverages away
  128. Cigarettes
  129. Other tobacco products

CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS for 210 U.S. markets, available down to the zip code level
  1. Children living at home
  2. Occupation/​commute time
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Veterans
  6. Language Spoken
  7. All standard population breakdowns

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