New AE Turns to Dental Local Account Report to Close $21,960 Sale

BY Adam Ambro

Amber Smith, a media sales rep for less than a year, is already a multiple-​time Sell Smarter Award winner for successfully navigating, and leveraging, AdMall to close sales. When it came time to approach a local dental office looking to attract new patients, she knew AdMall would help.

[The client] specializes in emergency care, dentures and regular maintenance,” said Smith. “They are independently owned and operated and very patient focused. They insist on the highest level of individualized care.”

Smith turned to AdMall’s Local Account Intelligence Report to get a better handle on the dental industry as a whole, to figure out how best to help them with their needs.

My favorite part of AdMall is getting to know the industry that I’m focused on,” said Smith. “It helps to know what companies similar to the ones I’m targeting are spending on advertising so I can use it in my valid business reason (VBR).”

[For this client], I used AdMall’s Local Account Intelligence, not only to find the account, but also for my VBR to tell them about staying competitive by offering a variety of payment and financing options,” said Smith. “I used the peak interest months report. I found the annual advertising and marketing budget information the most beneficial. ”

All of the research Smith compiled was enough to convince the dental office that they should advertise with her.

I sold them an annual radio branding campaign for $21,960,” said Smith.“I would recommend AdMall because it is so helpful. It has everything you need to prospect, articulate a VBR, schedule a meeting, and even devise CNA questions.”
