SalesFuel® Survey Identifies Four Dominant Traits in the Nation's Best Sales Managers

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Learn what separates all sales managers from the best in free SalesFuel White Paper
“The Best Sales Manager I Ever Had” is ready to download.

Got a turnover problem at work? Hate your boss? Or perhaps recognize you’ve hired a bad manager? What did you fail to recognize when hiring this manager, and how can you develop top management skills in existing staff? Why are your best salespeople walking out the door? How can your HR department recognize true talent in front of them in the interview process? And how does having the right leader equal a boost in sales?

All these answers and MORE are found in SalesFuel’s free white paper entitled, “The Best Sales Manager I Ever Had.” In it, SalesFuel shares some of its 2017 “Voice of the Sales Rep” survey data, where 1,100 salespeople shared the characteristics that defined their best managers. The responses? 

There are four dominant traits common among top sales management talent in the U.S. right now and the white paper unlocks the keys of the following:

• How to hone these traits in existing staff
• How to recognize them when hiring managers
• How leaders can apply them to performance management best practices
• How improving leadership performance with these four traits can have direct impact on stellar sales – especially when you consider recent Gallup research

What trait is No. 1? Caring. Far and away, respondents said their best managers care about them. Maybe mediocre managers do care about their team members. But the difference between “meh” managers and magnetic managers is the expression of a caring attitude. They show employees they care on a regular basis, have genuine empathy, and know way more than just an employee’s first name.

When referring to the four common traits, SalesFuel CEO C. Lee Smith reminds us, “You can’t be any of these things as a manager if you’re not around and available for your team. Show up, be present and put these four traits at the top of the ‘to-​do’ list. Our respondents this year were very concise and clear about what really makes a difference in their work lives.”

What are the other 3 traits? Find out by downloading the free white paper when visiting the “Insights” tab at SalesFuel​.com or by clicking here.