Sell Smarter Award Highlights AudienceSCAN

BY Adam Ambro
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Hi. I'm Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month's featured Sell Smarter Award — where we honor excellence in media sales.

Brandy Meyers, a local media consultant for the Wichita Eagle, wanted to help a physical therapy office expand their brand into a new market. 

The business has several physical therapy offices in Wichita, and they’re highly successful with a large market share,” said Meyers. "They've branched into the Kansas City market and don't have the name recognition they do in Wichita, so we're helping to create awareness and generate leads in that market."

Meyers turned to AdMall’s AudienceSCAN data to help determine who the best potential customers would be in this new market. 

They were impressed with the data and insights enough to trust the solutions we brought to the table,” said Meyers. 

One hurdle Meyers had to overcome was helping the owners feel comfortable outsourcing their marketing, as they had always handled it internally.

Thee owners are involved in every aspect of the business and haven't done much external marketing since they've been limited on tracking the ROI with traditional media,” said Meyers. 

Meyers’s sales pitch consisted of SEM, search, site retargeting and paid social media marketing on Facebook and Instagram. In the end, Meyers closed the sale for $36,000! 

Congratulations to Brandy Meyers, along with the other Sell Smarter Award Recipients.

To read more about these winners, along with submitting your own story for a chance at a Sell Smarter Award, please visit us at SalesFuel​.com/​SSA.
