Are These Website Metrics Costing Your Clients Serious Business Loss?

BY Kathy Crosett
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How impatient is the average consumer? Every second matters when it comes to loading websites. If your client’s site takes too long, consumers quickly move on. Your client loses leads and sales. Work with your client to determine if any of the following issues with website metrics plague the loading speed of their website. 

Common Flaws Damaging Good Website Metrics

Humongous Images

It’s tempting to load sites with visuals. These days, everyone wants to see pictures and watch videos instead of reading content, which can aid website metrics. And there are so many ways to dress up sites with visuals. If your clients are using WordPress for their sites, work with them to review plugs-​ins available for video and image optimization. The general idea is to resize site images so they don’t take so long to load. Or you can also use plug-​ins that will determine which images load depending on the part of the page that visitors are checking out.

Behind the Scenes Optimization

Who can blame your clients for wanting to use the latest technology to improve their sites' website metrics? They’ve probably been downloading and installing plug-​ins at a great rate over the past few years. The end result is that, unless someone regularly checks those plug-​ins and removes the ones that no longer work properly, the site will slow down. Most small business owners don’t have the time to keep track of plug-​ins and how many duplicates are running on the site. But, as a digital marketing expert, you can pitch your services to help clients clean up their site.

The Perils of Freebies

During the last year or two, your client probably also signed up for some freebies. Who doesn’t love free stuff? As Nat McNeely says, plenty can go wrong once these free pieces of code work their way into a website's metrics. Besides slowing thing down, these snippets often contain malware. 

Talk with your client about your digital marketing services. Show them how a small investment on their part will yield big returns for them. We all know that Google is constantly tweaking their SERP algorithm, and if your clients don't stay current with changes, their positions on search results will fall. One of the best ways to start selling yourself is to run a Digital Audit on the client’s site. Your message can really hit home when you compare what your client is doing to what their competitors are up to! The Digital Audit is available at AdMall from SalesFuel.
