How Much is the App Industry Worth to Advertisers?

BY Rachel Cagle
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According to a report by AppsFlyer, mobile apps have finally begun retargeting ads after having been around for nearly 15 years. Retargeting takes place after a consumer has left your client’s website, says AdRoll. Using retargeting, companies can display ads for their products and services on other websites that the consumer visits afterwards. This is an important marketing tactic because consumers may not make the decision to buy the first time they visit your client’s website. However, they may have still be interested in the product. If they are reminded of that product when visiting other sites, they could be convinced to change their minds and buy it. In this case, that product is a company’s mobile app. If your client has been wonder, "How much is the app industry worth?" let them know that retargeting can make it worth their while even more.

How Much is the App Industry Worth Using Retargeting?

App retargeting has become especially prominent among shopping and food and drink businesses in North America. More than 60% of food and drink and 50%+ of shopping businesses with mobile apps have adopted app retargeting efforts. The rate for entertainment and gaming marketers is under 20%. Overall, says AppsFlyer, only about 30% of mobile apps are being promoted through app retargeting campaigns.

However, app retargeting has proven successful for many companies. For example, AppFlyer found that lifestyle companies running retargeting campaigns on their mobile apps saw a 130% increase in paying users.

Now is the perfect time to begin using app retargeting. According to AppFlyer, COVID-19’s social distancing has led to a dramatic increase in Americans installing apps on their mobile devices. Shopping apps in particular saw an owned conversion increase of nearly 50%. As a whole, retargeting conversions have risen more than 30% since the pandemic began in March.

Which types of digital ads are your client’s customers most responsive to? Is it banner ads? Text link ads? Learn more about the types of ads that would be most effective in your client’s retargeting campaign by looking up their target customer’s profiles on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel. Those profiles reveal which ad formats motivated the highest number of their customers to take action last year.

How much is the app industry worth? More when your clients are utilizing retargeting.
