B2B Webinars Can Lead to Better Sales. Here's How to Get Started

BY Jessica Helinski
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Every salesperson wants better sales, and one way to drive numbers is to host webinars. While many reps may not have considered this, there's a major opportunity to connect with leads using a webinar. Since 2020, the popularity of webinars has grown, and as UC Today reports, "By 2025, some experts predict up to 80% of B2B sales discussions may occur in virtual channels like webinars.”

Why can webinars lead to better sales?

One of the most important aspects of a webinar is the opportunity to educate and engage. As both sellers and buyers have shifted to a hybrid model, it’s vital to continue pursuing connections. And as convenient as email may be, sellers still need to bridge the gap that can occur when selling remotely. Webinars can help. 

Web seminars aren’t just video presentations or ‘streams’,” UC Today points out. “They’re interactive experiences that allow participants to interact with attendees and presenters. With web seminars, companies create engaging digital experiences designed to educate, inform, and entertain.”

How to prepare engaging sales webinars

The first step to hosting a successful webinar? Deciding what it will be about. This is crucial to its success. This involves some thought and planning. For better sales, consider how you’ll use this webinar to generate leads and drive interest in your solution. 

As Ivelisse Rodriguez writes for HubSpot, “Your webinar should provide value to your audience. Think about your company as a whole and your unique value proposition. What topics do you have expertise in and can provide value on? Consider choosing an educational topic, as this content performs well.”

You’ll want to position yourself as a credible industry expert, so make sure that the content you choose demonstrates that. If you’re struggling, revisit, or even refresh, your value proposition using this guidance. And don’t forget: the topic should align with the interests, needs and goals of your ideal customer.

Decide your format

Once you’ve selected a focus, it’s time to decide how you’ll deliver the content. Rodriguez highlights various formats, including:

  • Single-​speaker: This involves a single person delivering the webinar and responding to questions. This style is most effective when presented to smaller audiences. 
  • Panelists: Including multiple presenters can be an effective way to share a variety of insights and viewpoints. Make sure that you select a responsible moderator, as well as panelists who are credible and professional. 
  • Interview: Want to highlight your own solution and feature social proof? Interview a current satisfied customer at some point during the webinar. Or, choose to spotlight an industry professional who already has a notable following. This can drive more views and help you reach new audiences.

Whether you choose to lead the webinar yourself or invite a panel, ensure whoever is featured will engage the audience. While this goes back to content, it also requires presentation skills. Better sales require generating interest, addressing challenges and offering solutions; make sure your webinar features speakers who can do that.

And don’t be afraid to include interactive elements. “Encouraging audience participation is essential to driving engagement and ensuring that your content resonates with your audience,” explains Andrew Jack for Revued. "Use interactive elements … Ask open-​ended questions that invite feedback and discussion, and be sure to address audience questions and comments throughout your presentation.”

Practice and promote

Once you’ve nailed down the specifics, it’s time to practice the webinar to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible. This is a time to rework any slow spots or fill in content gaps. And don’t forget: Practice also includes using any technology that you’ll also be using during the webinar. Learn and troubleshoot now before you go live. 

Regarding promotion, Jack also offers suggestions to spread the word and keep it top of mind:

  • Use social media to promote your webinar
  • Create event pages for your webinar
  • Tag industry experts or thought leaders in your social media posts
  • Send targeted emails to your customer base and leads
  • Partner with industry peers or complementary companies to co-​host the event

Do the post-​webinar work

All of this preparation sets the stage for a successful webinar. And once it’s over, be sure to follow up with those who attended and no-​shows. This can include sharing a recording of the webinar, a survey or questionnaire, or invites for a future call. Just don’t let any valuable leads go to waste due to lack of further engagement. 

While this may seem like a lot of work, the efforts made can have a major impact on lead generation, awareness, engagement, and ultimately, new business deals.

Photo by Kampus Production
