Show of hands, who has bought something off a social media platform within the last year? How about inspired to make a purchase based on a social media ad, video, post, etc.? You probably raised your hand (at least in your mind). Social platforms are driving more and more consumers to make purchases, and influencers are helping lead the charge. Let’s talk about the benefits of influencer marketing on sales.
Benefits of Influencer Marketing: Targeted Branding and Better Sales
Social Commerce
According to a report from Traackr, more consumers than ever are associating social media platforms with shopping. “Consumers can discover, evaluate, and purchase products in the blink of an eye, all while browsing social feeds.” Social media has become so connected with online shopping that 51% of consumers say that they follow brands’ social profiles to get product recommendations and deals.
The top social media platforms for social commerce right now are:
- YouTube
- TikTok
Of course, when it comes to your client’s target audience, the social platforms that will work best may differ. To see which social platforms those audiences are the most active on, look up their profiles on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel.
What are they looking for? Traackr says that the product categories consumers are most likely to purchase on social media are:
- Fashion
- Beauty and Personal Care
- Electronics
- Home Goods
- Health and Wellness
If you’re impressed by how well brands by themselves are performing on social media, just wait until you hear the benefits of influencer marketing.
Influencers’ Influence on Sales
Sure, consumers are buying things on social media left and right, but what’s convincing them that those products/services are worth it? According to 70% of consumers, the answer is influencers. According to Traackr:
- “70% of consumers are more likely to buy a product from a brand if they work with an influencer they know and trust"
- "59% of consumers are at least somewhat likely to purchase a product because it was recommended by an influencer”
Why? According to a previous SalesFuel blog based on data from WARC, “Having a ‘real person’ like an influencer vouch for a brand in a field they’re an expert in can aid a brand’s reputation significantly. Influencers represent a brand, speak on their behalf and offer an authentic voice that helps brands connect to their audiences with credibility – regardless of the audience size or creator status.”
Overall, 82% of marketers say that influencer marketing successfully drives sales. But that’s only one of the benefits of influencer marketing.
Influencers and Branding
Even if influencers don’t push consumers to make a purchase in the moment, that doesn’t mean they’ve failed. If nothing else, they’ve pushed brand awareness to new consumers. And brand awareness can do wonders down the line when consumers are ready to make a purchase.
54% of marketers say that influencer marketing successfully increases brand awareness, according to Traackr. And it’s not just celebrity or big-time influencers either. Traackr’s data shows that even nano and micro influencers who post sponsored content get results.
To get a cheat sheet on how to select the right type of influencer for the right price for your client, check out our Digital Marketing Tactics Should Include Influencers – at the Right Price blog post.
There are many benefits of influencer marketing that your client can take advantage of, but the two big ones are sales and brand awareness. If increasing either of those is a goal your client has for 2024, it’s time to start strategizing who your client should work with and what to promote. The time to start reaping the benefits of influencer marketing is now.
Photo by Brittani Burns