Workforce Management Insights

Quick Takes

Add Psychometric Assessments to Your Hiring Checklist for Outstanding Results

The pendulum in the job market has swung from the prospective employees’ side to the hiring managers’ side. But it’s still not easy to find the right team members. That’s why you need to develop a hiring checklist.

Top 10 Outstanding Traits to Look for When Hiring Sales Reps

When hiring sales reps, you know what you want. But do you understand which traits really matter when interviewing candidates for these positions?

How to Spot a Candidate with Personal Integrity

Hiring managers are always looking for the best possible candidate. Often, they’d like to fill an open position with a person who’s similar to the good employee who left.

How to Find the Best People for Sales Jobs

The unemployment rate for sales professionals rose from 3.8% to 4.1% between August 2022 and August 2023. That slight increase doesn’t mean it will be any easier for managers to hire great candidates for their open sales jobs.

5 Reasons Why Job Applicants Must Take a Behavioral Assessment

For many years, job applicants had the edge in the marketplace. They could answer the interviewers’ questions in a way that they believed would win them the position.

Top Behavioral Interview Questions You Need to Ask A Candidate

As a manager, your most important job is helping your employees succeed. But employees don’t stay with an organization forever, which means you must be prepared to find new team members.


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