C. Lee Smith Sales Credibility Expert | Author | Speaker | Workplace Behavior Analyst

C. Lee Smith

Bestselling Author
and Contributor

C. Lee Smith is an Amazon International Bestselling Author
sales and marketing-management, S&MM, SMM, Recognized Leader, C. Lee Smith, SalesCred, SalesFuel, sales intelligence, preseales, market research, marketing-intelligence, sales intelligence, B2B, credibility
Entrepreneur, Leadership, Network, B2B, SMB, Business Intelligence
C-Suite Advisor, C-Suite Network, C-Suite, SalesCred, credibility, executive presence, personal branding
C. Lee Smith Leading Sales Consultant Selling Power Sales Credibility
C. Lee Smith Sales Credibility Expert | Author | Speaker | Workplace Behavior Analyst

Author + Influencer

C. Lee Smith

The definitive book on sales credibilty.

How Buyers Qualify Sellers.

C. Lee Smith is an Amazon International Bestselling Author of two authoritative books for salespeople and sales managers. His latest is SalesCred® — How Buyers Qualify Sellers.

SalesCred is the definitive book on Sales Credibility — the quality all salespeople must have in abundance before you can ever “earn trust” or become a “trusted advisor.”

This book reveals how salespeople build (and lose) credibility with the things you say and do every day. You’ll learn the secrets of building your sales credibility, so you can attract higher-​value accounts, gain greater access to the real decision-​makers, and sell from a position of strength. It also gives you the leverage to avoid dropping your price when budget is hard to come by.

SalesCred introduces the Hierarchy of Sales Credibility™ which is a 5‑layer framework that allows you to see where you are on the credibility hierarchy and what you need to do next to get to the next level.

SalesCred - How Buyers Qualify Sellers by bestselling author C. Lee Smith, sales credibility, credibility, sales skills, soft skills, building trust, sales intelligence

How to use psychometrics to hire better salespeople and avoid toxic troublemakers.

Hire Smarter, Sell More!

Workplace Behavior Expert C. Lee Smith is also a Certified Professional Axiologist with expertise in the science of values and what motivates people to excellence at their core.

His first book “Hire Smarter, Sell More!” was among the most demanded books on Amazon's charts for sales and business books. The book enables sales managers, recruiters and hiring managers to use psychographics and talent analytics, so they can identify and add high potentials to their teams.

Hire Smarter, Sell More! addresses an all-​too-​common tale, told across just about every sales department around the world: The newest salesperson on the team has strong credentials and crushed it during the interview. But now that they're hired, they can't sell a thing! Worse, other salespeople on the team are unhappy for some reason, and their performance is slipping.

But an even bigger threat for hiring managers is unintentionally adding toxicity to their team. Toxic salespeople often cause problems in the workplace, such as decreased team productivity and morale. Bestselling author C. Lee Smith shows sales managers how to identify the 13 Toxic Types of Salespeople and avoid hiring them.

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Read Lee's latest articles on Selling Power

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