Pre-​Hire Assessment Tool for Logistics

Enhance your hiring process with TeamTrait’s advanced pre-​hire assessment for logistics, which provides in-​depth assessments at a better value. Ensure you hire top talent, optimize strategies and drive success in the competitive logistics sector.

Use better behavioral assessments to build high-​performing teams in logistics.

As consumers increasingly turn to online shopping, logistics businesses are booming. In fact, the latest statistics show that industry employment jumped by 47% in the past 10 years. Due to the reshoring trend currently happening in the U.S., experts predict that demand for land transportation service could increase.

At the same time, not enough young workers are knowledgeable about the potential in a logistics career. If you change the way you're recruiting and screening potential employees with pre-​hire assessment tools for logistics, you may be able to hire the team members you need.

If you're looking for a better alternative that provides better assessments at a better value, then you need to check out TeamTrait pre-​hire assessments for logistics.

Success in the logistics industry starts with hiring better people.

We all know the inevitable point of failure will occur in the supply chain. Employees in time-​critical situations must be able to handle stress, think on their feet, and work out alternate solutions to satisfy customers.

How will you know whether the candidates who have applied for your logistics position can manage this process? With TeamTrait's pre-​hire assessment for logistics, you'll know.

Ask your top candidates to take a 20-​minute TeamTrait psychometric assessment. With its scientific mix of five unique assessments, TeamTrait reveals which individuals thrive in a fast-​paced and stressful environment using pre-​hire assessment tools for logistics.

TeamTrait Team Optimization Sales Hiring Retention

"TeamTrait has helped us start to develop a process for hiring while keeping us focused on not only finding the right people but also finding the right seats for those people."
— VP of Sales, packaging/​shipping firm





TeamTrait's 3 core assessments can be completed in as little as 15–20 minutes

See how you can get better assessments at a better value with TeamTrait.
Start with a demo and 2 free psychometric profiles today.

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TeamTrait, Pre-Hire Assessments, Sales Assessment Test, Behavioral Assessment Test, sales hiring, employee retention, SalesFuel, 4 Fits

TeamTrait is the right tool to help you develop and retain your workforce.

Not every job seeker wants a warehouse job. At the same time, these positions can offer paths to rewarding careers in logistics and supply chain management.

The right manager can retain employees by ensuring that the job environment offers the right kind of benefits. Employees with young children may need flexibility in terms of when they start and end their shift. An attractive break room that is protected from the noise of the warehouse is a must.

Logistics employees also benefit from understanding their career path. As you explore a potential promotion or lateral transfer for an employee, check TeamTrait’s 4 Fits™ Simulator tool. With that information, you’ll know which aspects of a position the employee will master and where they may face challenges using pre-​hire assessment tools for logistics.

Use TeamTrait to improve self awareness in the workplace.

When employees understand their behavioral profiles, They're more likely to feel valued and understood, leading to increased engagement and motivation. TeamTrait can guide leaders in tailoring their motivation strategies to fit the unique drivers of each team member.

TeamTrait provides greater confidence in navigating difficult conversations with situational communication tips based on their employee's unique personality.

TeamTrait's behavioral assessments can identify the roles individuals naturally take on within a team, such as leadership, problem solving or operational support. This knowledge helps in structuring teams with complementary skills and working styles, leading to improved collaboration and productivity using pre-​hire assessment for logistics.

TeamTrait profiles 6 Elements of Professional Mindset
TeamTrait, Motivators, Pre-Hire Assessment Testing, Pre-Hire Assessments, sales hiring

TeamTrait can reveal skill gaps for your carrier sales representatives.

Whether you employ carrier sales representatives or sales account executives, you need both kinds of services delivered by engaged professionals on your team. Your sales account executives will stay busy transitioning leads into paying clients that need products shipped to specific destinations.

On the other hand, your carrier sales representatives will be pitching logistics services and offering carriers the opportunity to transport products to the required destination.

TeamTrait’s world-​class Sales Acumen assessment from SalesFuel reveals the mindset and sales-​related strengths and weakness of each applicant. During the interview, hiring managers can also use behavioral questions based on assessment results. For example, you can specifically address flagged concerns such as their comfort level in solving customers’ problems using pre-​hire assessment tools for logistics.

TeamTrait is the best pre-​hire assessment and aptitude testing platform for building high-​performing teams in logistics.
Contact us today for a demo and get 2 free psychometric profiles.

Learn more about TeamTrait today

Third-​party research sources are for informational purposes and not a direct or implied endorsement of TeamTrait.