Manage Smarter 234 — Gerald Leonard: How to Boost Productivity FAST

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Get ready to be inspired by a true powerhouse in the field of productivity intelligence. Our guest today is Gerald J. Leonard, a leading figure who has revolutionized the way we approach maximizing our potential.

Gerald is the Publishing Editor, CEO, and Founder of the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute, where he focuses on enhancing productivity and building better workplace cultures. 

He is also the CEO of Turnberry Premiere, a strategic project portfolio management and IT governance firm in Washington, DC. A professional bassist, Gerald J. Leonard offers a unique approach to accomplishing more in the workplace.

Gerald has also provided free productivity intelligence for Manage Smarter listenershttps://​productivityintelligenceinstitute​.com/​m​a​n​a​g​e​s​m​a​r​t​er/

In this podcast for sales managers and sales leaders, Audrey, and Gerald discuss:

  • Tips for what order to approach tasks to boost productivity
  • Time chunking methodology
  • Analogies of a symphony and conductor to the performance of you and your team
  • Productivity boosting processes
  • The similarities between songwriting and presentations
  • A side conversation about who is the best bassist ever

"Juggling multiple projects has become one of our major challenges, both as individuals as well as organizations, in our private and in our professional lives.”

Gerald Leonard

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