Sellers Can Still Hit Quota When the Economy Is Uncertain

BY Jessica Helinski
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In any economy, salespeople may struggle to hit quota. But when the pressures of cut budgets and rising prices are added in, sellers may feel that goals are even more out of reach.

Selling in this type of environment is just flat-​out harder,” Accord CEO Ross Rich acknowledges in an article for LinkedIn. “Budgets are being reduced, and anything that doesn’t seem “need-​to-​have” is getting cut. But I’ve always believed that the toughest circumstances create opportunities for growth and to come out stronger on the other side.”

Level up to hit quota

Rich explains that his optimism in the face of a tough economy isn’t unreasonable. Sellers who can level up with a proactive approach to sales and optimize their actions will persevere. In his article, Rich shares three particular areas of focus sellers should target during a downturn.

Maximize your pipeline

Efficiency matters when working to hit quota during tough conditions. You can’t afford to spend effort on leads who are a bad fit or not ready to purchase. In addition to weeding out non-​quality leads, take time to redefine your pipeline so it is more aligned with your current situation. This slight adjustment can make it more like you hit your targets. Rich also recommends a couple of subtle quick fixes that can have major impact:

  • Respond faster to leads. Time is of the essence, for both you and the prospect. Don’t waste it.
  • Make it easy to meet with you. Cut down on the roadblocks that leads might encounter.

Experiment to find what moves the needle on your deal,” he adds. “But don’t let valuable leads and opps go to waste if you can do even 1% more than you currently are. These small improvements compound every day, month, and quarter!”

Make it easier to buy

Once again, Rich emphasizes the importance of making the path to purchase as easy as possible for prospects. They are also likely under stress to perform in the face of a downturn, so don’t add to any unnecessary hoops to jump through. Simply show them that you understand their problem, and you have a solution to solve it.

Successfully do this by being empathetic and genuinely caring about their business. Ask quality questions to get to the root of their issues, then, act as an advisor, showing them exactly how your solution aligns with their needs. Finish with a clear personalized map of their buying journey.

As Rich explains, “They don’t want to be sold to – they want to understand how to solve their problems, whether your solution is the right one for them, and how to buy & be successful with your product.”

By crafting a consultative sales process that is heavy on value and light on distractions, sellers won’t waste any time—prospects’ or their own.

Focus is key”

By narrowing your focus and putting in the work, you can hit quota even during a tough economy. Rich’s suggestions are just a couple of focus areas to get started. Buyers will be looking for ways to do more with less money. They're under more pressure, so it’s up to sellers to narrow down leads, uncover pain points, and showcase value in a timely manner. Focus will make that happen. “Focus is key to hitting your sales goals in a downturn,” he writes. “Focus on where you’re the best fit. Focus on the highest-​impact activities that will help you make the most of every lead and opportunity. And focus on building a customer-​first process that makes buying from you easier."

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya
