Social Video: One of the Top B2B Influencer Marketing Tools

BY Rachel Cagle
influencer marketing tools

Social video is one of the influencer marketing tools that should be used by both B2C and B2B influencers. B2B brands have been slow to trust influencer marketing, but it’s time for you to change that. Here’s how.

Influencer Marketing Tools: Social Video

B2B’s Mistrust of Influencers

According to a study from Ogilvy, B2B brands don’t trust influencer marketing. They stereotype it as a consumer tool used by “fame-​hungry” people promoting products that they don’t use themselves. They’re too focused on their brand’s credibility and trustworthiness to do more research.

But that research would show them how influencers help brands build credibility and trust.

The Influence of Influencers

Experiences shared from a like-​minded community become uniquely validated, and the trust exchanged between that community becomes innately ingrained in all its participants,” says Ogilvy. Consumers, including business decision-​makers, know that brands will always paint themselves in the best light, no matter what. They feel like more trustworthy reviews will come from people outside of the organization doing the selling.

According to a previous SalesFuel blog based on data from Traackr, influencers positively impact both sales and branding:

  • 82% of marketers say that influencer marketing successfully drives sales
  • 70% of consumers are more likely to buy a product from a brand working with an influencer they know and trust
  • 59% of consumers are at least somewhat likely to purchase a product because it was recommended by an influencer
  • 54% of marketers say that influencer marketing successfully increases brand awareness”

Another SalesFuel blog, based on data from Bazaarvoice, points out the value of user-​generated content (UGC). This content, including what influencers produce:

  • Gives consumers more confidence in a product, service or brand: 78% of consumers agree
  • Is something they rely on, especially during economic difficulties: 43%”

Bazaarvoice also says that “social is the new search.” This makes social video one of the most powerful influencer marketing tools available.

If Your B2B Client Isn’t Using Influencer Marketing, They’re Late to the Game

Before we get to why social video is one of the critical influencer marketing tools, let’s discuss its existing reach. Ogilvy says that 75% of B2B marketers are already utilizing influencers. And 53% of those who don’t already plan to start doing so soon.

That means that if your client doesn’t believe in the power of influencer marketing tools, they’re in the minority. Only 11.75% of B2B marketers don’t and aren’t planning on using influencer marketing. Your client’s competition is likely ahead of them in this critical area of boosting sales and brand awareness.

Social Video

According to a report from MarketingWeek, social video helps 63% of B2B tech buyers make informed purchasing decisions. It’s considered the most “compelling and trusted format” influencing B2B buyers today. 71% of B2B buyers in the U.S. who consume video content say industry influencers are one of the most trusted formats.

Ogilvy agrees with social’s importance. 90% of the B2B industry now sees social media as an important source of business information, Ogilvy says. “Influencers are impacting a due diligence process that was previously limited to sales reps and glossy brochures.”

According to Ogilvy’s research, B2B marketers say that these social platforms are significant for B2B influencer marketing:

  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram

Of course, the platforms the influencers your client partners with should be using depends on the audience. AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel can help with that. Look up your client’s target audience’s profile(s) to see which social platforms they’re the most active on.

Don’t let your client miss this opportunity to boost sales and brand awareness. Their competition certainly isn’t. Tell them about the success of one of the most powerful influencer marketing tools today!

Photo by: Vinicius "amnx" Amano
