Why Welcome Emails Serve as an Awesome Customer Service Strategy

BY Jessica Helinski
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Don’t think once a deal closes your work is done. A strong customer service strategy is key to keeping customers happy and your success going. This is especially important at the very beginning of a new-​client relationship. 

Why you should kick off your customer service strategy right away

According to Act-​On, “90% of consumers report their post-​purchase experience is just as important as the quality of the products.”

How you engage with a new customer sets the tone for their experience. You have so many opportunities to get off to a great start. One way to do this is to send a welcome email.

What is a  welcome email and why send one?

As Act-​On explains, a welcome email is just what the name suggests. It’s an email that welcomes a new customer into the working relationship. This first post-​sale communication should:

  • Thank customers for their business
  • Provide details for getting started
  • Explain what to expect in the future

And customers welcome these emails. Open rates for welcome emails average 80% compared to an average of 36% for general emails. 

They are eager and excited to start working with you. And they’re also curious about the next steps following the sale. It’s up to you to capitalize on these emotions. 

Best practices for welcome emails

Adding a welcome email to your customer service strategy does take some thought. This communication will be your first real outreach to the new client, so following best practices is a must. 

First, always use the welcome email to immediately thank the customer again for trusting you with their business.

The first element of a great welcome email should express you are grateful for their business,” explains Anthony Iannarino.

Don’t neglect this simple way to open the email; expressing gratitude will always be appreciated. 

Iannarino also suggests using the welcome email to acquaint them with other team members who will offer support. 

Provide them with a contact list of the people responsible to help them with whatever they need,” he writes. 

These should include anyone who has a responsibility for the new client. This likely will Include contacts from operations, customer service and accounts receivables. Introducing your entire team right away can initiate trust in them and awareness of who can help. 

Introduce resources

In addition to sharing team contact information, include other resources for support. Act-​On suggests offering links to your knowledge base or support site. Don’t forget to add specifics such as support offerings and hours.

If you offer webinars or on-​demand training, include information on how to register or access them. And be sure to pass along to links to resources for content, such as a blog or LinkedIn group.

While you likely have quite a few resources, include only the most relevant in this first welcome email. A key component of a customer service strategy is personalization. So make sure the specific resources you share are directly relevant to the client. 

This tip comes from Shareil Nariman in an article for Arrows. He explains that eventually, you can deliver all of the resources, especially as they add on new features. 

But, he suggests, “start with the resources that will deliver value according to their definition.”

Share what they can expect

Use the welcome email to also let the customer know what they can expect next. You don’t need to outline your entire plan. But do let them know how follow-​up will happen. Will you reach out for a meeting? When will the official onboarding process begin? 

Simply create a welcoming environment and set the stage for what’s to come,” Nariman advises.

And, most importantly, keep the focus on value. Use this first official communication to deliver the kind of value they can expect throughout the entire relationship. Client satisfaction and loyalty will reward your efforts.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov
