3 Easy Ways to Generate Sales Leads

BY Rachel Cagle
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No marketing support when trying to find sales leads? No problem! According to Dan Tyre writing for HubSpot, there are 10 ways to generate sales leads all on your own. Here are a few:

Ask Current Clients

You know how people are always saying loyal clients are the best source of steady money? Well, that extends beyond repeat sales. Your clients likely have friends or connections with jobs in companies similar to their own who could also benefit from your product or service. All you have to do to access their network is ask. Also, see if your client wouldn’t mind sending the prospects an email to give you a foot in the door. (Don’t forget to send them a thank you afterward!)

Start a Blog

You’re reading this post right now, aren’t you? You’re not the only one who enjoys blogs; they’re only increasing in popularity and are a great way to spread information. Write about your expertise, with tips for others, as well as any news you found interesting that you think others should know. Through your writing, you’re not only increasing your visibility, you’re also establishing yourself as an expert. And wouldn’t everyone prefer to buy from and work with an expert?

Share that Blog on LinkedIn

Chances are, you have a well-​established list of connections on your LinkedIn account who would find value in your writing and share it on their own pages. That exposure among a concentrated audience gives you access to people who have a higher likelihood of being interested in purchasing from you. Tyre also recommends offering a 15-​minute consultation in your post. With that addition, you’re selling yourself AND extending the invitation for a sale. Double win. 
