Free Report: The Four Fits of Hiring Salespeople

BY Audrey Strong
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Don't Let Desperation Cause You to Make a Big Hiring Mistake

It's always tough to hire salespeople, especially in this post-​pandemic job market. You might be tempted to hire a candidate on the spot based on a strong interview and your gut feeling. Don't do it! The relief of filling the open position can easily lead to the frustration of trying to coach your way out of a bad hire and the embarrassment of having to admit your loss to HR as you follow their tedious protocol.

This free special report, sponsored by TeamTrait, is based on the book Hire Smarter, Sell More! written by our CEO C. Lee Smith. It reveals the FOUR fits you must satisfy for hiring salespeople who will boost your team performance without giving you heartburn.

Fill out this short form to download this free special report now!
