AdMall®, by SalesFuel, is the sales intelligence leader for local media advertising and digital marketing. We make it easy for manufacturers to help their dealers grow sales by providing media sales reps with new business opportunities, pre-​call discovery, digital marketing intelligence, co-​op funding for local advertising, and more! 

AdMall's intelligence system is used by thousands of U.S. media properties, from cable companies and newspapers to local TV, billboard, and cinema, and includes manufacturer co-​op funding information. Through the shared-​cost advertising vehicle of co-​op funding, media sales reps encourage local dealers to create ad campaigns featuring your products, especially when there are limited-​time promotions and new product introductions.

As you may know, media sales reps encourage local dealers to use co-​op funding to help cover the cost of local advertising. When reps don’t have access to your plan, they call your co-​op administrator for details. In addition, media sales reps help your local dealers follow the rules of your program. You can cut down on unwanted phone calls to your co-​op administrator and complaints about rejected claims by sharing your plan details with us. We understand that your co-​op funding program may contain sensitive and proprietary data. For that reason, we do not share your plan publicly. We only share accrual rates, reimbursement details, and qualified media format information with media companies that hold a paid AdMall subscription.

We maintain a database of detailed co-​op funding/​market development programs for over 10,000 brands. There is no cost for you to have your co-​op advertising program details listed in the AdMall intelligence system. When you share your co-​op plan with AdMall, your local dealers can have the kind of success experienced by this beauty salon and this window treatment retailer.

In addition, AdMall can help your co-​op program work harder for you. If you’re planning on running limited-​time promotions, with or without co-​op, we can promote it to local media reps who will get it in front of your dealers. Not planning a promotion? We can help you set one up and be featured in AdMall.

Please feel free to email your co-​op plan and any questions you may have to co-​opteam@​salesfuel.​com.