AdMall's AudienceSCAN Helps Rep Close Car Dealership Business

BY Adam Ambro

Hi.  I’m Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month’s featured Sell Smarter Award — where we honor excellence in media sales.

Malissa Greenwood, senior account planner of Spectrum Reach, has been in media sales for nearly four years, and in that time, AdMall has assisted her in the planning stages of a sales pitch. For her latest effort, AdMall’s Digital Audit and AudienceSCAN proved to be crucial.

While I did not work directly with the owner, my coworker did. I was involved in the planning,” said Greenwood. “They are a used car dealership, [with three locations], that help people with poor credit. In their words, they help people with poor credit first and the used cars are just secondary. They were spending a lot of time and money on social media marketing and Google AdWords, but not seeing great results.”

Knowing they could use help in the digital space, Greenwood turned to AdMall.

AdMall helped us by giving us the tools to run a digital audit for all three of their locations,” said Greenwood. “We were able to see the pitfalls in their current efforts, as well as compile research on who they should be targeting and where with the AudienceSCAN reports.”

Greenwood took the research learned in AdMall to create a campaign of digital display and online video. They used keyword retargeting to narrow in on people with poor credit who were also looking for a vehicle.

Using the digital audit feature of AdMall PRO, we were able to show the client that their current marketing efforts for their three locations were not delivering on their expectations,” said Greenwood. “We showed them where they could improve and how we could help. The prospect became a new client and signed three separate deals for their three locations, which was $72,000 in total.”

All of the other advertising sales support staff in my company use AdMall, and we try to encourage the sales reps themselves to use it too,” said Greenwood. “It provides so much insight into audience targeting possibilities. A good advertising campaign puts the client’s message in front of the right people at the right time, on the right devices. AdMall helps us plan and find those people, times and devices.”

To read more about this winner, along with submitting your own story for a chance at a Sell Smarter award, please visit SalesFuel​.com/​SSA.
