AdMall's Co-​op Data Secures $70,000 HVAC Ad Sale

BY Kathy Crosett

Hi.  I’m Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month’s featured Sell Smarter Award — where we honor excellence in media sales.

Amy Gable, a 20-​year media sales veteran from WVTM-​TV, knows that a great way to close a sale is to create a sense of necessity surrounding an advertising campaign. That’s where AdMall helped her when she approached a local HVAC business that wasn’t sure who would best handle their advertising.

The business specializes in residential HVAC in Central Alabama,” said Gable. “The owners are busy running their business and needed help, guidance, and expertise for advertising.”

The biggest challenge they had was discerning what advertising to use and who to work with. Their brand and business has been doing very well and they wanted to make sure their success continued.”

I used data from AdMall to create a sense of urgency around peak sales months in HVAC and to share upcoming co-​op opportunities. This showed the client that I was knowledgable about their industry and helped build credibility. I also shared homeowner statistics from our DMA, as compared to how our station overindexes, with 82% of our news viewers owning homes versus 60% of the marketplace.”

And while the campaign, [as of the time of the story submission] is new, the client was pleased with their experience working with Gable. So much so, the annual campaign of TV and digital, OTT and online video, closed for $70,000.

The campaign launched recently, and is still ramping up, but during negotiations, they said the experience working with me was the better than working with any other AE because I was prepared and buttoned up,” said Gable. “I attribute this to AdMall. It is an excellent resource with thought-​starters and data that absolutely help the sales process. Anyone who is not using AdMall is missing out. It's fun to discover all of the data, and it helps build confidence and expertise.” To read more about this winner, along with submitting your own story for a chance at a Sell Smarter Award, please visit SalesFuel​.com/​SSA.
