AdMall's Local Account Intelligence Report Leads to $200,000 HVAC Sale

BY Adam Ambro

Brianna Zych, an account executive from WCBD, has been using AdMall since her first day on the job two years ago.

[AdMall has] been a great resource because not only does it give quantitative data but it also gives qualitative [data],” said Zych. “There are also a lot of resources to help generate ideas for the client. For example, I use the co-​op a lot to help increase an advertiser’s spend.” 

Knowing the value AdMall can help bring to a client, Zych used the resources available to her when approaching a local HVAC business.

There is an HVAC company that entered the Charleston market and wanted to begin to advertise but wasn't sure how they wanted to allocate their budget,” said Zych. “While putting together the proposal, I used AdMall's Local Account Intelligence Report on the HVAC industry to get a general understanding of the industry’s marketing trends and making myself well versed while talking to the client.

I was able to use these as talking points and leverage why my company’s product was more useful than others in the market. The client was originally going to divide the buy among a few stations but liked how I knew the market, their industry, and marketing trends. I developed a good relationship with the client and was awarded 100% share of their business.”

AdMall was able to pinpoint their competitors and acknowledge how much of their revenue needed to be placed in our market to compete with those HVAC companies that have a strong foundation.”

[They bought] TV spots, display ads, and I sweetened the deal with a sponsorship. They understand how important it is to be in different media streams to create not only frequency in their message but also create trust with their customers.” 

This was a new business 52-​week buy for $200,000. AdMall was a great resource to use because of the data it provided me. I was able to be transparent with the client and show them information they didn't even know.”
