AdMall's Local Account Intelligence Wins TV Campaign

BY Adam Ambro

Hi. I’m Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month’s featured Sell Smarter Award — where we honor excellence in media sales. 

When Jessie Latham, of OnMedia in Columbia, Missouri, approached a local, family-​owned tire business, she knew right away that the key to making a sale was to keep the focus on family. The store owner, who had been in the tire business for more than a decade, enjoyed working on race cars with his sons. But having just opened a new store in the area, he was in need of advertising. 

Armed with this context, Latham set to work looking through AdMall’s Local Account Intelligence Report. Although she had only been with her current employer for four months, Latham was well versed in AdMall’s offerings, and used this knowledge to target her approach. "We focused on opportunities and challenges and peak months,” said Latham. “Their peak months are consistent throughout the year, but they were interested in knowing that we have the capability to show that information.” 

The owner was blown away and signed up for a six-​month TV ad deal that was centered on football season. Crucial to the campaign was the inclusion of the owner’s sons, who appear in the commercial with him. According to Latham, “They’re getting excellent feedback. They have had multiple customers mention seeing their ad and business is booming." 

Congratulations to Jessie, along with the other Sell Smarter Award recipients: 

  • Tiffany Marchand of Tri-​County Times
  • Mark Wert of Daily Item
  • Pamela LaPierre of WSBT-TV,
  • Jordan Estes of The Statesville Record & Landmark
  • Kyle Henke of WFAA-TV 

To find out how YOU can qualify for a Sell Smarter Award, visit SalesFuel​.com/​a​d​m​a​l​l​/​s​sa/.
