AE Closes $240,000 Roofing Campaign Thanks to AdMall's Digital Audit

BY Adam Ambro

Andrei Lintz, an account executive of six years for Bonneville Seattle, has been using AdMall since the company subscribed to it a couple years ago, and since then, has used it’s vast array of research tools to assist him with closing sales. In this case, he found success with a local roofing company.

[For this campaign,] I’ve been working with the owner and their director of operations,” said Lintz. “They are local, and have been in the roofing and construction business for most of their lives. They are down to earth, no-​nonsense people who are straight shooters. They don’t show much emotion, and [it’s been hard to get them excited] about things. However, they are extremely passionate about their business and achieving success. They’ve been in business for 27 years, specializing in superior service, craftsmanship and high quality work. They aren’t the cheapest. They position themselves as the ‘Nordstrom of roofing.’”

They are facing tons of local competition. They haven’t expanded too much into marketing. Ours is their first foray into investing heavily into marketing. With that, carries the challenges of who to trust and how do they know what will be successful or not. Investing big into marketing can be a big risk.”

Introducing the Digital Audit tool from AdMall, we were able to instantly gain trust by showing them we have the ability to peel back the curtain on what they’re currently doing. The audit also provided us with recommendations we can share with the client. This massively help build trust with the client.”

The audit stated their digital alignment score was low, at 2.4 stars. It specifically laid out areas they were lacking, like Google Ads and sponsored webpage ads. We presented them with several ideas of how to improve their digital marketing and success stories we had recently in their category.”

With the help of the Digital Audit’s results, Lintz sold them an entire digital marketing plan including SEM, performance max, YouTube, social media, and has pitched them SEO. The company agreed to an annual contract worth $240,000.
