Are You Bringing Your Best Rizz to Work?

BY Tim Londergan
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Charismatic individuals project a sense of genuine warmth and competence. Apparently, they’re so smooth that it must be an inherent trait. However, there are skills you can learn so you, too, can deftly impress others with your best rizz.

Yes, the slang word for charisma was officially recognized in 2023 by the Oxford English Dictionary. It defines not so much who someone is as what they do. Charismatic individuals have developed strong social skills that allow them to connect with and influence others with boundless power.

Your Best Rizz Can Help Define Your Personal Brand

You can be more charismatic and likable and the changes you need to make aren’t as big as you think. Research and expert opinions suggest that charisma can be developed through practice and intentional behavioral conversions. It’s not about changing who you are, it’s about changing the way you are perceived.

Incrementally, you can finetune your outward communication and behaviors to reflect your personal brand. For instance, introverts can cultivate their own style of charisma. The key is consistent practice and a willingness to adapt and grow in social interactions.

Fortunately, self-​awareness can help you develop your personal brand and project its values to the world through charismatic behavior. Properly executed, your best rizz can communicate a consistent message of reliability and trust to your clients and peers. Keep in mind that all your communication is subject to charismatic behavior and phrasing.

Charisma Starts with Confidence

The powerful combination of confidence and competence make a person highly attractive and engaging to others. In addition, those who can simultaneously be humble and self-​effacing are viewed as approachable and warm.

Emotional intelligence and self-​awareness give anyone the ability to connect with others and make others feel comfortable. The ability to listen and observe with the objective to build stronger relationships is key.

Take the test:

Vanessa Van Edwards, teacher of social skills, has developed a free test to diagnose charisma and determine your communication style. In five minutes you can assess your warmth and competence and gain insight as to how you may be perceived.

Develop Your Best Rizz to Advance Your Career

People who are approachable and relatable are easier to work with. All else being equal, these qualities give them an edge on others who don’t exhibit the same relative warmth.

And, just as winning a sports competition, sometimes all you need is an edge.

Author, Jeff Haden contributed an article to LinkedIn where he outlines 10 ways to develop charisma. He cites those who instantly make us feel important and make others feel better about themselves. In summary, these charismatic characters are people we want to be around and would even like to be.

Here’s a distilled list of qualities he observes:

  • Actively listen without distractions
  • Be generous with your attention and be kind in your responses
  • Be humble and genuine in your appreciation for the opportunity to engage
  • Seek to learn from others with every interchange
  • Choose an attitude of enthusiasm and wonder

Haden points out that success does not guarantee charisma. Further, your own brand of charisma is not about changing who you are. It’s more about knowing who you are and appreciating what you can learn from and about others.

You might be hired into a company for your skill set. But your ability to communicate and earn people’s trust will push you up the ladder. Bringing your best rizz can help assure that others will like you, trust you and want to keep you around.

Photo by Roman Biernacki on Pexels
