Are Your Clients Missing Great Video Advertising Opportunities?

BY Rachel Cagle
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The future is looking bright for video advertising. For starters, according to FreeWheel’s Q2 2019 Video Marketplace Report, video ad views grew by 27% in the U.S. within the last year and show no sign of slowing down. 

With each new video streaming service released, video gains another foothold in consumers’ homes.

Connected TV

Video ad views on all devices grew between the second quarter of 2018 and Q2 of 2019, but connected TV led the pack. Connected TV ad views now represent 48% of all video ad views. Full-​episode ads also grew by 32%.


Mobile was the runner-​up in video advertisement views, with a 28% growth rate from last year. Smartphones and tablets may not have the most growth, but mobile ad format viewership is more evenly divided. 

On mobile apps, full-​episode ads represent 55% of video ad views, live claims 32%, and clips account for 13%. On the web, clips make up 60% of views, with full episodes at 21% and live at 19%.

STB and Desktop

STB VOD (set-​top box video-​on-​demand) and desktop advertising video views both grew by 14%. STB VOD’s video ads were all full episodes, while desktops were divided between full episodes (45%), live (44%), and clips (11%).

Across all devices, mid-​roll video ads have the highest completion rate. 98% of full-​episode ads and 97% of live ads are viewed to completion. Pre-​roll placements shouldn’t be overlooked, though. Full episodes still have an 88% completion rate, followed by live with 87% and clips with 76%.

Where are your clients placing their video advertising, and is that really the best place considering their target demographic? If you need reassurance for your answer, check out the plethora of audience profiles available on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel

Each profile will tell you which devices each demographic owns and how long they’re on each device on a daily basis. Under the Marketing tab on the AudienceScan profiles, you can find out how different types of video ads motivate each buyer type. 

What are you waiting for? It’s time to optimize your client’s video ads!
