Audio ads are more influential to U.S. consumers than your client may give them credit for. Not just digital ones either. Consumers are tuning in to both radio and podcasts on a regular basis, according to research from Audacy.
Audio Ads Reach More Consumers than Your Clients Think
The Importance of Audio
When you break down your daily schedule, you notice some patterns, right? You probably have designated TV or reading time, play with your animals or kids around the same time or have a pre-bedtime ritual. Audacy reports that not only are humans creatures of habit, many of those habits form around audio. There are four main media types that consumers include in their daily rituals:
- Audio: On average, consumers have 11 daily rituals that include audio
- Online/Streaming Video: 8
- Social Media: 6
- TV: 5
Audio is on top! So, why aren’t audio ads as important to your client as social, video or TV?
Who is Listening to Audio?
In short: just about everyone. Here are some stats Audacy provides:
- 87% of people who listen to podcasts consume audio as a part of their daily rituals
- 86% of Gen Zers do the same (That’s right! Not just older generations listen to the radio and such)
- 84% of sports fans also listen in daily
Consumers love audio so much that “40% of listeners plan their day and activities around audio content,” says Audacy. So, there’s a slim chance that audio ads won’t reach your client’s target audience.
There are a few groups of consumers who include audio in their daily routines more consistently than others, says Audacy. They are:
- Parents
- Gen Z
- Tech Early Adopters
- Personal and Professional Growth Seekers
- Fitness Buffs
- Foodies
Want to know for sure how many of your client’s target audience members are swayed by audio ads? Check out their profile on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel to see what percentage took action after hearing radio ads and mentions on podcasts.
When They’re Listening
As mentioned earlier, there are 11 key moments when consumers include audio in their daily routines. According to Audacy, those moments are:
- Me Time: 73% of listeners tune in during this time
- Putting the Kids to Bed: 70%
- Exercising: 68%
- Snack Time: 66%
- Walking (both pets and leisurely): 64%
- Commuting to Work and School: 63%
- Before Big Sporting Events: 62%
- Pre-Gaming (getting “hyped up” before an activity or event): 61%
- Commuting Home from Work and School: 60%
- Drinking Coffee: 60%
- Kiddie Carpool: 60%
Some of these moments are unpredictable, but most are during times you and your client could effectively guess. Commuting and exercising take place just outside the normal 9–5 workday on weekdays for adults. For grade school students, it’s before 8 a.m. and after 3 p.m. (for those who aren’t in after-school activities). College students are more varied, but likely tune in around when working adults would commute. Parents put their kids to bed around 9 p.m. most nights. Coffee is enjoyed before the commute or right as work starts. Sporting events are scheduled months in advance. It can be so easy to plan out when to best place your client’s audio ads to reach their target audience.
Remember those top audio listeners mentioned earlier? Here’s when they’re listening, according to Audacy:
- Parents: While exercising indoors, commuting, eating snacks and/or lunch, working, and putting their children to bed
- Gen Z: While using their phones, working out at the gym and waking up
- Tech Early Adopters: While commuting, putting their children to bed and having “me time”
- Personal and Professional Growth Seekers: While having “me time,” getting ready, meditating, exercising indoors and shopping online
- Fitness Buffs: While having “me time,” commuting, putting their children to bed and at the gym
- Foodies: While cooking, having “me time” and putting their children to bed
Match your client’s audio ads’ messaging to the target audience and relate it to where and when they’re listening and your client will be all set.
Photo by Dushawn Jovic