Disinfectant Products in Demand for Public Transport Users

BY Rachel Cagle
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"At this stage of the coronavirus pandemic, anyone who doesn’t have an essential reason to leave the house should be staying home," says Consumer Reports. "But what if you still need to travel and don’t have a car of your own? Shared vehicles present unique risks when it comes to protecting riders and drivers."

Just because a public transport driver or rider isn't displaying symptoms doesn't mean they're not sick. Not only that, COVID-​19 germs have been found to live on surfaces for up to a few days. Therefore, it's more important than ever for ridesharing companies to take health precautions.

"For example," says Consumer Reports, "some cab companies told us they're investing in heavy-​duty cleaning equipment, and car-​sharing services are introducing contactless pickup." It's important for public transport service drivers to clean their vehicles frequently throughout the day to ensure the safety of both themselves and their customers. And, regardless of whether they're showing symptoms or not, the driver should always be wearing a medical mask. If they even suspect they're sick, drivers should not work that day. Additionally, taxis with partitions should have them closed at all times.

Public transport services should promote the steps their drivers are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-​19 in order to make their customers more comfortable using their services. Most ridesharing services are ordered via phone and Frequent Taxi Riders are 125% more likely than other consumers to find advertisements on their mobile apps useful, according to AudienceSCAN.

AudienceSCAN data is available for your applications and dashboards through the SalesFuel API. In addition, AdMall contains industry profiles on taxi services and bus and other transit systems, as well as lead lists at the local level. Media companies, sales reps and agencies can access this data with a subscription to AdMall from SalesFuel.
