Financial Planners to Council Retirement Planners on How To Spend Wisely

BY Rachel Cagle
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"You’re probably seeing a lot of pictures of old people on social media as the latest craze over the 'FaceApp Challenge' has children looking like seniors. This latest obsession of aging yourself may seem like a cool thing to do, but how do people really feel about getting older, asks Ipsos?"

"In an Ipsos Global Advisor survey of over 20,000 people in 28 countries done between August and September last year, 40% of Americans said they were looking forward to old age."

'While people around the world recognize that there are positives to getting old, including having more time to spend with friends and family, more time for hobbies and leisure, more time for holidays and giving up work, they also identify a number of downsides,' Nicolas Boyon, Chris Jackson and Emily Chen, the authors of the report, said."

"What's the worst thing about getting old:

  • Not having enough money to live on: 10%
  • Being unable to do things I once could: 10%
  • Losing mobility: 8%
  • Being in pain: 8%
  • Being lonely: 6%"

"But even with the downsides associated with aging, nearly two-​thirds of the respondents (64%) said it was possible to prepare for becoming old. Regularly exercising, eating healthy and saving money for retirement are considered the top ways to prepare yourself."

"However, under three in ten (28%) respondents mention saving enough money for an adequate pension.”

According to AudienceSCAN, Proactive Retirement Planners are fairly evenly split between being Android smartphone and iPhone users. Last year, more than half took action after either seeing an ad on their smartphone mobile apps or receiving an ad via text. They're also 47% more likely than others to find advertising on their mobile apps useful. In the past year, they've also taken after after receiving direct mail ads and coupons (63.4%), seeing TV commercials (61.6%), receiving email ads (55.2%) and hearing ads on the radio, both over-​the-​air and digitally (48.5%).

AudienceSCAN data is available for your applications and dashboards through the SalesFuel API. In addition, AdMall contains industry profiles on restaurants (fast-​casual, quick-​serve and full-​service), as well as lead lists at the local level. Media companies, sales reps and agencies can access this data with a subscription to AdMall from SalesFuel.
