How Ads Can Exploit Consumer Buying Trends and Emotions

BY Rachel Cagle
consumer buying trends

Emotions are a key driver in purchase decision making. Think about it, some consumer buying trends have little to do with following the crowd. We’ve been conditioned to eat or work out when we’re stressed. And we tend to buy things when we’re sad or want to celebrate, etc.

To create truly successful ads, your client needs to tap into consumer emotions.

The Role of Emotions in Advertising

According to neurons, “emotions rise faster and are more persuasive than rational thinking. It takes a fraction of a second, only 300 milliseconds, for people to see and react emotionally to an advertisement. … We make over 90% of our buying decisions subconsciously.”

An advertisement is often a consumer’s first impression of a brand. And according to neurons, first impressions evoke deep emotional associations. Emotions that impact judgement are based on things like if the:

  • Brand’s logo and the ad’s color scheme are aesthetically pleasing and/​or distinct
  • Tagline is catchy
  • Ad features aspects that are associated with things they love (like Santa around the holidays)

Your client’s ads can spark positive emotions like curiosity or joy. Influenced consumers will be more likely to investigate and make purchases.

Specific negative emotions, like fear, can also work in your client’s favor. Not scary movie fear. Fear of missing out.

For example, adding the words “limited time,” “last chance,” etc. can give consumers such FOMO that they act immediately. Especially if your client is trying to get them to jump on consumer buying trends like Black Friday.

And even if the consumer doesn’t end up buying anything in that moment, emotions help memory retention. When they have the money or are more stimulated to buy later, they’ll think of your brand quicker.

Taking Advantage of Emotional Spending

If your client caters their ads to emotional spending, they’ll have even better luck motivating consumers to take action. Let’s explore how emotions tie into consumer buying trends.

According to an article from Saving Advice, “emotional spending often stems from the desire to alleviate negative emotions. When people feel stressed, sad, or lonely, shopping can provide a temporary boost in mood. This behavior is linked to the brain’s reward system, where buying something new releases dopamine, a feel-​good neurotransmitter.”

The key to taking advantage of emotional spending is promoting instant gratification. Online shopping and quick shipping are a great start. But if your client can make it even easier with one-​click purchases, they’ll get consumer attention even quicker.

Consumer buying trends like emotional spending can be helped along by social media ads. Ads that showcase happy customers with their new purchases can inspire FOMO or a promise of similar happiness.

Your client should also cater their ad messaging to reflect the consumer’s need for gratification. Messages like:

  • Hard day? [Product/​service] can help”
  • Come on, you deserve it”
  • Celebrate [life event] properly”

Identifying Target Audiences and Emotional Shopping Triggers

Successfully jumping on consumer buying trends like emotional spending depends on access to information. Who are they, what do they want and what emotions are triggering them?

You can get a head start by looking up your client’s target audience on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel. There, you’ll find information like:

  • Demographics (e.g., age, gender, household income, etc.)
  • Personal motivators (e.g., getting better sleep, exercising more, improving their appearance, etc.)
  • Aspirational purchases (e.g., buying things that help them feel healthier, more successful, etc.)
  • Which types of ads influenced them to take action within the last year
  • And more

With this consumer data, your client can easily take advantage of consumer buying trends like emotional shopping to boost sales.

Photo by: Vitaly Gariev
