How to Make the Best Six-​Second Video Ads

BY Rachel Cagle
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Six-​second video ads aren’t just for Twitter. American consumers tend to skip video ads as soon as they get the chance to get back to the video content they actually clicked to see. But what if your client’s video ad has the chance to finish before the consumer has the chance to skip? The message will be fully received! And the viewer will be less annoyed by the interruption. According to AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel, even 42.9% of Pre-​Roll Video Ad Responders get annoyed when the commercial that plays beforehand is longer than the video that they wanted to watch.

That’s still a short amount of time to squeeze engaging content into. So, here are some tips from a recent WARC article on how to make six-​second video ads that are more engaging.

How to Make the Best Six-​Second Video Ads

Utilize Previous Ads

Does your client have a mascot or their own jingle? How about a clever video ad they used in the past that got a lot of attention and positive responses? Time for those to shine! WARC sites a research paper by Colin Campbell of the University of San Diego and Erin Pearson of the University of East Anglia in its article. Campbell and Pearson say, “More successful six-​second advertisements draw heavily on consumer knowledge of a brand to tell their stories. This includes featuring known characters, referencing previous advertising campaigns, or alluding to or mentioning brand information that viewers can be assumed to know.”

Using previous campaign tactics in your client’s six-​second video ads can add a layer of recognition that would be difficult to establish otherwise. That recognition will grant a base layer of trust that new information can be added to. You’re establishing your client’s previous experience while advertising their offerings in a new, quickly absorbed way.

Use Recognizable Context

If your client doesn’t have easily recognizable content out there already, don’t worry. There are still other popular concepts out there that your client’s target customers can easily and positively associate with your client’s brand.

For example, you could use a relatable situation. Take gum commercials. You may not recognize the brand and the video could have no spoken words, but you usually know exactly what they’re getting across based on imagery. A couple going in for a kiss when one of the people realizes their breath may smell bad. Or someone putting gum in their mouth followed by imagery of the fruit they’re tasting. These show both the experience the consumers are getting and the benefits. And you don’t even have to know the brand to understand the message.

Tease More Content

Sometimes, you just can’t fit everything your client has to say into a six-​second video add. When that happens, use that video ad to tease more content from another source. Highlight a website viewers can visit to learn more about your client’s product or service or plug their social media pages. Wherever it’s easiest to get more information on what your client is advertising, make sure it’s clear to viewers how to access it.
